"""Run this script in the background while you're working on the tutorial. Every five seconds, it scans for .pngs, .jpgs, and ..gifs that have not yet been coverted to encapsulated postscript. If it finds one, it converts it to an encapsulated postscript file of the same name. Requires the Python Imaging Library, a very common python library.""" import Image import os import time import string extensionsToConvert = [ 'png', 'gif', 'jpg' ] def stripSuffix(s): return s[:string.rfind(s, ".")] def suffix(s): return s[string.rfind(s, ".")+1:] while 1: filelist = os.listdir(".") epsDict = {} for f in filelist: if suffix(f) == "eps": epsDict[stripSuffix(f)] = 0 for f in filelist: if suffix(f) in extensionsToConvert and \ not epsDict.has_key(stripSuffix(f)): try: im = Image.open(f) except: print "failed:", f im.save(stripSuffix(f) + ".eps") print "Converted " + f time.sleep(5)