/* ===================================================================== */ /* copyrighted by Isaac Tsai, 1998, 1999, 2000 */ /* ===================================================================== */ #include #include #ifndef NO_STDLIB_H #include #else char *getenv(); #endif #include #include "capaToken.h" #include "capaParser.h" #include "capaCommon.h" #include "ranlib.h" #ifdef _MAIN_PROGRAM_ #undef _MAIN_PROGRAM_ #endif #include "capaCGI.h" void getword CAPA_ARG((char *word, char *line, char stop)) { int x = 0,y; for(x=0;((line[x]) && (line[x] != stop));x++) word[x] = line[x]; word[x] = '\0'; if(line[x]) ++x; y=0; while((line[y++] = line[x++])); } char *makeword CAPA_ARG((char *line, char stop)) { int x = 0,y; char *word = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(line) + 1)); for(x=0;((line[x]) && (line[x] != stop));x++) word[x] = line[x]; word[x] = '\0'; if(line[x]) ++x; y=0; while((line[y++] = line[x++])); return word; } char *fmakeword CAPA_ARG((FILE *f,char stop,int * cl)) { int wsize; char *word; int ll; wsize = 102400; ll=0; word = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (wsize + 1)); while(1) { word[ll] = (char)fgetc(f); if(ll==wsize) { word[ll+1] = '\0'; wsize+=102400; word = (char *)realloc(word,sizeof(char)*(wsize+1)); } --(*cl); if((word[ll] == stop) || (feof(f)) || (!(*cl))) { if(word[ll] != stop) ll++; word[ll] = '\0'; return word; } ++ll; } } char x2c CAPA_ARG((char *what)) { register char digit; digit = (what[0] >= 'A' ? ((what[0] & 0xdf) - 'A')+10 : (what[0] - '0')); digit *= 16; digit += (what[1] >= 'A' ? ((what[1] & 0xdf) - 'A')+10 : (what[1] - '0')); return(digit); } void unescape_url CAPA_ARG((char *url)) { register int x,y; for(x=0,y=0;url[y];++x,++y) { if((url[x] = url[y]) == '%') { url[x] = x2c(&url[y+1]); y+=2; } } url[x] = '\0'; } void plustospace CAPA_ARG((char *str)) { register int x; for(x=0;str[x];x++) if(str[x] == '+') str[x] = ' '; } int rind CAPA_ARG((char *s,char c)) { register int x; for(x=strlen(s) - 1;x != -1; x--) if(s[x] == c) return x; return -1; } int getline CAPA_ARG((char *s,int n,FILE *f)) { register int i=0; while(1) { s[i] = (char)fgetc(f); if(s[i] == CR) s[i] = fgetc(f); if((s[i] == 0x4) || (s[i] == LF) || (i == (n-1))) { s[i] = '\0'; return (feof(f) ? 1 : 0); } ++i; } } void send_fd CAPA_ARG((FILE *f, FILE *fd)) { char c; while (1) { c = fgetc(f); if(feof(f)) return; fputc(c,fd); } } int ind CAPA_ARG((char *s,char c)) { register int x; for(x=0;s[x];x++) if(s[x] == c) return x; return -1; } void escape_shell_cmd CAPA_ARG((char *cmd)) { register int x,y,l; l=strlen(cmd); for(x=0;cmd[x];x++) { if(ind("&;`'\"|*?~<>^()[]{}$\\",cmd[x]) != -1){ for(y=l+1;y>x;y--) cmd[y] = cmd[y-1]; l++; /* length has been increased */ cmd[x] = '\\'; x++; /* skip the character */ } } } /* ========================================== Updated according to Frank Wolfs description on July 7 1997 */ char *c_getpath CAPA_ARG((FILE *f)) { register int c; register int idx; char tmp_string[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; char *new_string; idx = 0; tmp_string[0]='\0'; c_ignorewhite(f); do { c = getc(f); tmp_string[idx] = c; idx++; } while (isalnum(c) || c == '{' || c == '}' || c == '-' || c == '\\' || c == '^' || c == '_' || c == '/' || c == '.' || c == ':' || c == '+' || c == '*' || c == '#' || c == '!' || c == '=' || c == ';' || c == '$' || c == '(' || c == ')' || c == '[' || c == ']' || c == '?' || c == '>' || c == '<' || c == ','); ungetc(c,f); idx--; tmp_string[idx] = 0; new_string = (char *)malloc( (idx+1)*sizeof(char) ); strncpy(new_string,tmp_string, (idx+1) ); return (new_string); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void web_printheader(FILE *out) { FILE *header; char *buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; int amt=0; if ((capa_access("HTMLheader",F_OK|R_OK)!=-1) && (NULL!=(header=fopen("HTMLheader","r")))) { while(0 < (amt=fread(buf,1,MAX_BUFFER_SIZE,header))) { fwrite(buf,1,amt,out); } fclose(header); } else { fprintf(out,"\n"); fprintf(out,"\n"); } } void web_printfooter(FILE *out) { FILE *footer; char *buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; int amt=0; if ((capa_access("HTMLfooter",F_OK|R_OK)!=-1) && (NULL!=(footer=fopen("HTMLfooter","r")))) { while(0 < (amt=fread(buf,1,MAX_BUFFER_SIZE,footer))) { fwrite(buf,1,amt,out); } fclose(footer); } else { fprintf(out,"\n"); } } int web_getclassdir CAPA_ARG((char **cpath_p, char **cown_p, char *class)) { FILE *fp; char filename[FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; char *cname_p; int done; char c; sprintf(filename,"class.conf"); if ((fp=fopen(filename,"r"))==NULL) { sprintf(filename,"../class.conf"); if ((fp=fopen(filename,"r"))==NULL) { fprintf(stdout," \n",filename); fflush(stdout); return (2); } } do { c_ignorewhite(fp); c = getc(fp); ungetc(c,fp); if( c != EOF ) { cname_p = c_getword(fp); *cpath_p = c_getpath(fp); *cown_p = c_getword(fp); throwaway_line(fp); if( ! strcasecmp(cname_p, class) ) { done = 1; } else { free(cname_p); free(*cpath_p); free(*cown_p); done = 0; } } else { done = 1; } } while ( ! done ); fclose(fp); free(cname_p); return (1); } int web_log(log_str)char *log_str; { FILE *fp; char filename[FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; sprintf(filename,"web_access.log"); if ((fp=fopen(filename,"a"))==NULL) { return -1; } flockstream(fp); fprintf(fp,"%s",log_str);fflush(fp); funlockstream(fp); fclose(fp); return 0; } int w_log_timing(student_number,set,section,log_string) char student_number[MAX_STUDENT_NUMBER+1]; int set; int section; char *log_string; { char filename[FILE_NAME_LENGTH], *ct; FILE *fp; time_t t; sprintf(filename,"records/webtiming%d.log",set); if ((fp=fopen(filename,"a"))==NULL) { return (-1); } /* CREATE LOG ENTRY */ time(&t); ct=ctime(&t); ct[ strlen(ct)-1 ]=0; /* Trash newline */ fprintf(fp,"%s %s %s\n",student_number,ct,log_string); fflush(fp); fclose(fp); return (0); } int w_log_attempt(student_number,set,log_string) char student_number[MAX_STUDENT_NUMBER+1]; int set; char *log_string; { char filename[FILE_NAME_LENGTH], *ct; FILE *fp; time_t t; sprintf(filename,"records/weblog%d.db",set); if ((fp=fopen(filename,"a"))==NULL) { return (-1); } /* CREATE LOG ENTRY */ time(&t); ct=ctime(&t); ct[ strlen(ct)-1 ]=0; /* Trash newline */ fprintf(fp,"%s %s %s\n",student_number,ct,log_string); fflush(fp); fclose(fp); return (0); } int w_log_submissions(student_number,set,log_string) char student_number[MAX_STUDENT_NUMBER+1]; int set; char *log_string; { char filename[FILE_NAME_LENGTH],timeStr[FILE_NAME_LENGTH],buf2[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; FILE *fp; time_t t; struct tm *tmtime; int do_log_submissions=1,result; char buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; result=read_capa_config("do_log_submissions",buf); if (result != 0 && result != -1) if (strcasecmp(buf2,"no")==0) do_log_submissions=0; if (!do_log_submissions) return 0; sprintf(filename,"records/websubmissions%d.db",set); if ((fp=fopen(filename,"a"))==NULL) { return (-1); } /* CREATE LOG ENTRY */ time(&t); tmtime=localtime(&t); strftime(timeStr,FILE_NAME_LENGTH,"%d/%m %X",tmtime); /*ct[ strlen(ct)-1 ]=0;*/ /* Trash newline */ protect_log_string(log_string); fprintf(fp,"%s\t%s\t%s\n",student_number,timeStr,log_string); fflush(fp); fclose(fp); return (0); } void w_get_responses(int x,int q_idx,char* submissions_str) { int leng, sub_idx; char buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; if( !strncmp(g_entries[x].name,"INPUT",5) ) { if( index(g_entries[x].name, ',' ) == NULL ) { /* only one answer */ sscanf(g_entries[x].name,"INPUT%d",&q_idx); if( q_idx > 0 && q_idx < MAX_PROBLEM_CNT ) { if ( ! is_all_ws(g_entries[x].val) ) { g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx] = (StudentAnswer_t *)capa_malloc(sizeof(StudentAnswer_t),1); (g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx])->a_idx = 1; (g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx])->a_str = strsave(g_entries[x].val); (g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx])->a_next = NULL; trim_response_ws((g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx])->a_str); } leng = strlen( g_entries[x].val ); if ( leng > 0 ) { sprintf(buf,"%d\t%s\t",q_idx,g_entries[x].val); strcat(submissions_str,buf); } } } else { /* this answer belongs to /AND answers */ sscanf(g_entries[x].name,"INPUT%d,%d",&q_idx,&sub_idx); if( q_idx > 0 && q_idx < MAX_PROBLEM_CNT ) { if ( ! is_all_ws(g_entries[x].val) ) { StudentAnswer_t *sa_p; sa_p = (StudentAnswer_t *)capa_malloc(sizeof(StudentAnswer_t),1); sa_p->a_idx = sub_idx; sa_p->a_str = strsave(g_entries[x].val); sa_p->a_next = NULL; trim_response_ws(sa_p->a_str); if( g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx] == NULL ) { g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx] = sa_p; } else { StudentAnswer_t *sb_p; for(sb_p=g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx]; sb_p->a_next; sb_p=sb_p->a_next); sb_p->a_next = sa_p; } } leng = strlen( g_entries[x].val ); if ( leng > 0 ) { sprintf(buf,"%d\t%s\t",q_idx,g_entries[x].val); strcat(submissions_str,buf); } } } } if( !strncmp(g_entries[x].name,"LAST",4) ) { StudentAnswer_t *sa_p; if( index(g_entries[x].name, ',' ) == NULL ) { /* only one answer */ sscanf(g_entries[x].name,"LAST%d",&q_idx); if( q_idx > 0 && q_idx < MAX_PROBLEM_CNT ) { sa_p = (StudentAnswer_t *)capa_malloc(sizeof(StudentAnswer_t),1); sa_p->a_idx = 1; sa_p->a_str = strsave(g_entries[x].val); sa_p->a_next = NULL; g_last_ans_pp[q_idx] = sa_p; } } else { sscanf(g_entries[x].name,"LAST%d,%d",&q_idx,&sub_idx); if( q_idx > 0 && q_idx < MAX_PROBLEM_CNT ) { sa_p = (StudentAnswer_t *)capa_malloc(sizeof(StudentAnswer_t),1); sa_p->a_idx = sub_idx; sa_p->a_str = strsave(g_entries[x].val); sa_p->a_next = NULL; if( g_last_ans_pp[q_idx] == NULL) { g_last_ans_pp[q_idx] = sa_p; } else { StudentAnswer_t *sb_p; for(sb_p=g_last_ans_pp[q_idx]; sb_p->a_next; sb_p=sb_p->a_next); sb_p->a_next = sa_p; } } } } } /* ========================================================================= */ /* Check in: Class name (CLASS) Student Number (SNUM) CAPA ID (CAPAID) M=1 Try set: Class name (CLASS) Student Number (SNUM) CAPA ID (CAPAID) First question to print (STARTNUM) M=2 View previous: Class name (CLASS) Student Number (SNUM) CAPA ID (CAPAID) First question to print (STARTNUM) View set (VSET) M=3 Set summary: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int w_get_input() { register int x,m=0; int cl, q_idx, result = 1; T_header header; char log_str[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE],buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; char submissions_str[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; time_t curtime; char *time_str,*UNKNOWN="UNKNOWN"; int error=0; char *envPtr=NULL,*envPtr2=NULL; #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"Entered get_input()\n"); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ envPtr=getenv("REQUEST_METHOD"); if(!envPtr) { fprintf(stdout,"Enviroment variable REQUEST_METHOD not set.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"CAPA is improperly installed or run, please let your \ instructor know about this error.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"No tries have been deducted for the last submission.\n"); error |= 1; return error; } if(strcmp(envPtr,"POST")) { fprintf(stdout,"This script should be referenced with a METHOD of POST.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"CAPA is improperly installed or run, please let your \ instructor know about this error.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"No tries have been deducted for the last submission.\n"); fflush(stdout); #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"Request_method is not POST\n"); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ error |= 2; return (error); } envPtr=getenv("CONTENT_TYPE"); if(!envPtr) { fprintf(stdout,"Enviroment variable CONTENT_TYPE not set.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"CAPA is improperly installed or run, please let your \ instructor know about this error.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"No tries have been deducted for the last submission.\n"); fflush(stdout); error |= 4; return error; } if(strncmp(envPtr,"application/x-www-form-urlencoded",33)) { fprintf(stdout,"This script can only be used to decode form results. \n"); fprintf(stdout,"CAPA is improperly installed or run, please let your \ instructor know about this error.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"No tries have been deducted for the last submission.\n"); fflush(stdout); #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"CONTENT_TYPE is not application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n"); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ error |= 8; return (error); } envPtr=getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH"); if(!envPtr) { fprintf(stdout,"Enviroment variable CONTENT_LENGTH not set.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"CAPA is improperly installed or run, please let your \ instructor know about this error.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"No tries have been deducted for the last submission.\n"); error |= 16; return error; } cl = atoi(envPtr); #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"CONTENT_LENGTH is %d\n",cl); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ for(x=0;cl && (!feof(stdin));x++) { m=x; g_entries[x].val = fmakeword(stdin,'&',&cl); plustospace(g_entries[x].val); unescape_url(g_entries[x].val); g_entries[x].name = makeword(g_entries[x].val,'='); } /* ---------------------------------------------------- */ g_entered_pin = 0; g_run_mode =0; submissions_str[0]='\0'; for(x=0; x <= m; x++) { if( !strcmp(g_entries[x].name,"CLASS") ) { strncpy(g_class_name,g_entries[x].val,MAX_CLASS_CHAR); } if( !strcmp(g_entries[x].name,"M") ) { /* run mode */ sscanf(g_entries[x].val,"%d",&g_run_mode); } if( !strcmp(g_entries[x].name,"STARTNUM")) { sscanf(g_entries[x].val,"%d",&g_start_question); } if( !strcmp(g_entries[x].name,"SNUM") ) { strncpy(g_student_number,g_entries[x].val,MAX_STUDENT_NUMBER+4); } if( !strcmp(g_entries[x].name,"CAPAID") ) { sscanf(g_entries[x].val,"%d",&g_entered_pin); } if( !strcmp(g_entries[x].name,"SET") ) { sscanf(g_entries[x].val,"%d",&g_set); } if( !strcmp(g_entries[x].name,"VSET") ) { if (g_entries[x].val[0] == '\0') { g_vset=0; } else { sscanf(g_entries[x].val,"%d",&g_vset); } } if( !strcmp(g_entries[x].name,"KND") ) { sscanf(g_entries[x].val,"%d",&g_skind); } w_get_responses(x,q_idx,submissions_str); free(g_entries[x].val); free(g_entries[x].name); } #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"DONE: Parse input\n"); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ /* if( strcasecmp(g_prog_name,"capacheckin") == 0 ) { */ if( g_run_mode == M_CHECKIN ) { /* capa_checkin */ time(&curtime); time_str = ctime(&curtime); time_str[ strlen(time_str)-1 ] = 0; envPtr=getenv("REMOTE_HOST"); if(!envPtr) { fprintf(stdout,"\n"); envPtr=getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); if(!envPtr) { fprintf(stdout,"\n"); envPtr=UNKNOWN; error |= 32; } } #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"DONE: REMOTE_HOST\n"); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ envPtr2=getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT"); if(!envPtr2) { fprintf(stdout,"\n"); envPtr2=UNKNOWN; error |= 64; } sprintf(log_str,"%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n",g_class_name,g_student_number,time_str,envPtr,envPtr2); if (web_log(log_str) == -1 ) { fprintf(stdout,"Unable to log access to the system. Please notify instructor\n."); fprintf(stdout,"No tries have been deducted for the last submission.\n"); error |= 128; return error; } } #if defined(NeXT) getwd(g_cwd); #else getcwd(g_cwd,255); #endif web_getclassdir(&g_cpath, &g_cowner, g_class_name); sprintf(g_class_fullpath,"%s/%s",g_cpath,g_class_name); #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"DONE: getclassdir() [%s]\n",g_class_fullpath); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ if( !capa_access(g_class_fullpath, F_OK) == 0 ) { fprintf(stdout,"ACCESS: could not access the class directory [%s]!\n",g_class_fullpath); fprintf(stdout,"Please exit the web browser and try accessing the system again\n"); fprintf(stdout,"No tries have been deducted for the last submission.\n"); fflush(stdout); sprintf(log_str,"Failed to access class dir, g_class_fullpath: %s\tg_cpath: %s\tg_class_name: %s\tg_cowner: %s\tg_cwd: %s\t", g_class_fullpath,g_cpath,g_class_name,g_cowner,g_cwd); if (web_log(log_str) == -1 ) { fprintf(stdout,"Unable to log access to the system. Please notify instructor\n."); fflush(stdout); error |= 256; return error; } #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"NO ACCESS: cannot access() [%s]\n",g_class_fullpath); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ error |= 512; return (error); } /* ---------------------------------------------------- */ /* change working directory to the class */ /* ---------------------------------------------------- */ chdir(g_class_fullpath); /* before performing any capa*() calls */ #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"DONE cd to [%s]\n",g_class_fullpath); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ /* Now in proper directory, can log submissions */ if ( g_run_mode == M_CHECKANS) { if (w_log_submissions(g_student_number,g_set,submissions_str) == -1 ) { fprintf(stdout,"Unable to log submissions. Please notify instructor\n."); fprintf(stdout,"No tries have been deducted for the last submission.\n"); error |= 1024; return error; } } result=read_capa_config("capaweb_cgibin_path",buf); if (result != 0 && result != -1) { g_cgibin_path=capa_malloc(strlen(buf)+1,1); strcpy(g_cgibin_path,buf); } else { g_cgibin_path=capa_malloc(strlen("capa-bin")+1,1); strcpy(g_cgibin_path,"capa-bin"); } if( g_entered_pin != 0 ) { g_login_set = capa_PIN(g_student_number,999,g_entered_pin); #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"Succeed in login to set %d with pin %d\n",g_login_set,g_entered_pin); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ /* ---------------------------------------------------- printf("Your entered capa id %d, login to set %d\n", g_entered_pin, g_login_set); printf("The real capa id for %s is %d\n",g_student_number,capa_PIN(g_student_number,1,0)); ---------------------------------------------------- */ } else { fprintf(stdout,"CAPA ID entered was zero, this is not valid.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"No tries have been deducted for the last submission.\n"); fflush(stdout); error |= 2048; return (error); } if (!g_login_set) { fprintf(stdout,"The student ID (%s) or CAPA ID (%d) that you entered \ is not listed for the class (%s) that you have selected. Please check that \ you have selected the correct class on the CAPA logon page and that the \ student ID and CAPA ID are correct.\n", g_student_number, g_entered_pin, g_class_name); fflush(stdout); #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"CAPA ID or student number is not valid.\n"); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ error |= 4096; return (error); } else { if ( g_login_set > 99 ) { fprintf(stdout,"The student ID (%s) or CAPA ID (%d) that you entered \ is not listed for the class (%s) that you have selected. Please check that \ you have selected the correct class on the CAPA logon page and that the \ student ID and CAPA ID are correct.\n", g_student_number, g_entered_pin, g_class_name); fflush(stdout); #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"CAPA ID is not valid.\n"); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ error |= 8192; return (error); } if(g_login_set < g_vset ) { fprintf(stdout,"Your CAPA ID (for set %d) does not allow you to view set %d.\n",g_login_set, g_vset); fflush(stdout); #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"Login set %d is less than view set %d.\n",g_login_set,g_vset); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ error |= 16384; return (error); } chdir(g_class_fullpath); /* again, to make sure */ if ( capa_get_student(g_student_number,&g_student_data) == 0 ) { fprintf(stdout,"Entered student id is not in the class list.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Please check that have selected the correct class \ and have entered you student id correctly.\n"); fflush(stdout); #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"get_student(): Student id not in the classl file.\n"); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ error |= 32768; return (error); } else { time(&curtime); if (capa_get_header(&header, g_login_set)) { fprintf(stdout,"This problem set is not ready yet.\n"); fflush(stdout); #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"get_header(): Problem set not ready.\n"); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ error |= 65536; return (error); } capa_mfree(header.weight); capa_mfree(header.partial_credit); /* ===> if (compare_datetime(curtime,header.open_date) < 0 ) { */ if( capa_check_date(CHECK_OPEN_DATE,g_student_number, g_student_data.s_sec,g_login_set) < 0 ) { fprintf(stdout,"This set(%d) is not yet open. Please try back later.\n",g_login_set); fflush(stdout); #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"check_date(): Problem set not open.\n"); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ error |= 131072; return (error); } } } return (error); } void append_qtext_addbr(new_str) char *new_str; { int ii,jj,len; char *br_added; if (new_str==NULL) return; len=strlen(new_str); br_added=capa_malloc(len*5,sizeof(char)); for (ii=0,jj=0;iig_qsize-3) { char *temp_text; g_qsize=(g_qchar_cnt+len)*2; temp_text=capa_malloc(g_qsize,sizeof(char)); strncpy(temp_text,g_question_txt,g_qchar_cnt); temp_text[g_qchar_cnt]='\0'; capa_mfree(g_question_txt); g_question_txt=temp_text; /* g_qsize=(g_qchar_cnt+len)*2; g_question_txt=realloc(g_question_txt,g_qsize); */ } for(ii=0;iig_ssize-2) { char *temp_text; g_ssize=(g_schar_cnt+len)*2; temp_text=capa_malloc(g_ssize,sizeof(char)); strncpy(temp_text,g_status_txt,g_schar_cnt); capa_mfree(g_status_txt); g_status_txt=temp_text; } for(ii=0;ii\n"); printf("SERVER_PROTOCOL:%s
",getenv("SERVER_PROTOCOL")); printf("PATH_INFO:%s
",getenv("PATH_INFO")); printf("PATH_TRANSLATED:%s
\n",getenv("PATH_TRANSLATED")); printf("SCRIPT_NAME:%s
\n",getenv("SCRIPT_NAME")); printf("QUERY_STRING:%s
\n",getenv("QUERY_STRING")); printf("REMOTE_HOST:%s
\n",getenv("REMOTE_HOST")); printf("REMOTE_USER:%s
\n",getenv("REMOTE_USER")); printf("REMOTE_IDENT:%s
\n",getenv("REMOTE_IDENT")); printf("USER_AGENT:%s
\n",getenv("USER_AGENT")); printf("HTTP_USER_AGENT:%s
\n",getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT")); ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* A class directory must have */ /* records/ */ /* */ /* returns: 0 structure is correct, but no set.db files */ /* -1 structure is not correct */ /* >=1 the last set.db */ int check_class_get_maxset(dir_path) char *dir_path; { char f_name[1024]; int set; if( capa_access(dir_path, F_OK) == 0 ) { /* class dir exists */ sprintf(f_name,"%s/records",dir_path); if( capa_access(f_name, F_OK) == 0 ) { /* class/records dir exists */ for(set = 1; ; set++ ) { sprintf(f_name,"%s/records/set%d.db",dir_path,set); if(capa_access(f_name, F_OK) == -1 ) break; } set--; } else { set = -1; } } else { set = -1; } return (set); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Get Exam and Quiz Path */ /* return 0, 1, 2, 3 */ /* 0: Neither exist */ /* 1: Exam.path exists */ /* 2: Quiz.path exists */ /* 3: Both Exam.path and Quiz.path exists */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int check_exam_quiz_path() { char buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; int result = 0, configResult=0; configResult=read_capa_config("exam_path",buf); if (configResult != 0 && configResult != -1) { g_exam_set = check_class_get_maxset(buf); if(g_exam_set > 0 ) { result = 1; sprintf(g_exam_path,buf); } } configResult=read_capa_config("quiz_path",buf); if (configResult != 0 && configResult != -1) { g_quiz_set = check_class_get_maxset(buf); if(g_quiz_set > 0 ) { result = (result | 2); sprintf(g_quiz_path,buf); } } return (result); } int check_termscore_option() { char buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; int result = 0, configResult=0; configResult=read_capa_config("term_score_applet",buf); if (configResult != 0 && configResult != -1) { fprintf(stdout,"\n"); if (strcasecmp(buf,"yes")==0) { fprintf(stdout,"\n"); result=1; } } return (result); } /* ============================================================================= */ void print_mainmenu(class,sn,pin)char *class; char *sn;int pin; { char buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; int outcome,configResult,term_summary_button=1; char *serverName; serverName=getenv("SERVER_NAME"); if (!serverName) { fprintf(stdout,"Enviroment variable SERVER_NAME not set.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Unable to complete actions.\n"); return; } fprintf(stdout,"%s main menu\n",g_class_name); fprintf(stdout,"


\n",g_student_name); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"
  • ",serverName); fprintf(stdout,"
    \n"); fprintf(stdout,"
  • ",serverName,g_cgibin_path,g_cowner); fprintf(stdout,"%s\n", buf); fprintf(stdout,"\n",class); fprintf(stdout,"\n",sn); fprintf(stdout,"\n",pin); fprintf(stdout,"\n",M_TRYSET); fprintf(stdout,"\n",1); fprintf(stdout,"
    \n"); fprintf(stdout,"
  • ",serverName,g_cgibin_path,g_cowner); fprintf(stdout,"%s\n", buf); fprintf(stdout,"\n",class); fprintf(stdout,"\n",sn); fprintf(stdout,"\n",pin); fprintf(stdout,"\n",M_VIEWPREV); fprintf(stdout,"\n",1); fprintf(stdout,""); fprintf(stdout," set:
    \n"); /*Term Summary*/ configResult=read_capa_config("term_summary_button",buf); if (configResult != 0 && configResult != -1 ) { if (strcasecmp(buf,"no")==0) { term_summary_button=0; } } if (term_summary_button) { fprintf(stdout,"
  • ",serverName,g_cgibin_path); fprintf(stdout,"%s\n", buf); fprintf(stdout,"\n",class); fprintf(stdout,"\n",sn); fprintf(stdout,"\n",pin); fprintf(stdout,"\n",M_VIEWSUMM); fprintf(stdout,"
    \n"); } outcome = check_exam_quiz_path(); if( outcome & 1 ) { /* exam summary */ fprintf(stdout,"
  • ",serverName,g_cgibin_path); fprintf(stdout,"%s\n", buf); fprintf(stdout,"\n",class); fprintf(stdout,"\n",sn); fprintf(stdout,"\n",pin); fprintf(stdout,"\n",M_EXAMSUMM); fprintf(stdout,"
    \n"); } if( outcome & 2 ) { /* Quiz summary */ fprintf(stdout,"
  • ",serverName,g_cgibin_path); fprintf(stdout,"%s\n", buf); fprintf(stdout,"\n",class); fprintf(stdout,"\n",sn); fprintf(stdout,"\n",pin); fprintf(stdout,"\n",M_QUIZSUMM ); fprintf(stdout,"
    \n"); } outcome = check_termscore_option(); fprintf(stdout,"\n",outcome); /*Termscore Button*/ if( outcome ) { fprintf(stdout,"
  • ",serverName,g_cgibin_path,g_cowner); fprintf(stdout,"%s\n", buf); fprintf(stdout,"\n",class); fprintf(stdout,"\n",sn); fprintf(stdout,"\n",pin); fprintf(stdout,"\n",M_TERMSCORE ); fprintf(stdout,"
    \n"); } /*Exit Button*/ fprintf(stdout,"
    ",serverName); fprintf(stdout,"
    "); fprintf(stdout,"
  • \n"); fflush(stdout); } /* ====================================================================================== */ void print_page_header(mode,num_quest) int mode;int num_quest; { char buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE], discussdir[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; char *serverName; int configResult,term_summary_button=1; buf[0]='\0'; discussdir[0]='\0'; serverName=getenv("SERVER_NAME"); if (!serverName) { fprintf(stdout,"Enviroment variable SERVER_NAME not set.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Unable to complete actions.\n"); return; } /* now done in the .qz file fprintf(stdout,"%s set%d",g_class_name,g_login_set); if( mode == VIEW_PREVIOUS_MODE ) { fprintf(stdout,"

    %s set%d

    \n",g_class_name,g_vset); } else { fprintf(stdout,"

    %s set%d

    \n",g_class_name,g_login_set); } fprintf(stdout,"


    \n",g_student_data.s_nm); */ fprintf(stdout,""); fprintf(stdout,"\n\n"); } /*Exit Button*/ fprintf(stdout,""); /*help button*/ if (mode != VIEW_PREVIOUS_MODE) { fprintf(stdout,""); } /*Reload button*/ fprintf(stdout,""); #ifdef NOT_DEFINED /* Next Button */ if ( (!(g_num_questions_per_page==ALL_QUESTIONS)) && ((g_num_questions_per_page+g_start_question)
    ",serverName,g_cgibin_path,g_cowner); fprintf(stdout,"%s\n", buf); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_class_name); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_student_number); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_entered_pin); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_start_question+g_num_questions_per_page); if (mode == VIEW_PREVIOUS_MODE ) { fprintf(stdout,"\n",M_VIEWPREV); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_vset); } else { fprintf(stdout,"\n",M_TRYSET); } fprintf(stdout,"\n"); } /* Previous Button */ if ( (!(g_num_questions_per_page==ALL_QUESTIONS)) && (g_start_question > 1)) { fprintf(stdout,"
    "); } #endif /* Goto Button */ if (!(g_num_questions_per_page==ALL_QUESTIONS)) { int idx,numquest; T_header header; fprintf(stdout,""); } /*Discuss Button*/ sprintf(discussdir,"%s/discussion/%d",g_class_fullpath,g_login_set); if ( access(discussdir,F_OK) == 0 ) { fprintf(stdout,""); } fprintf(stdout,"\n
    "); /*Term summary button*/ configResult=read_capa_config("term_summary_button",buf); if (configResult != 0 && configResult != -1 ) { if (strcasecmp(buf,"no")==0) { term_summary_button=0; } } #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"buf: %s\ntermsum: %d\n",buf,term_summary_button); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ if (term_summary_button) { fprintf(stdout,"
    ",serverName,g_cgibin_path); fprintf(stdout,"%s\n", buf); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_class_name); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_student_number); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_entered_pin); fprintf(stdout,"\n",M_VIEWSUMM); fprintf(stdout,"
    ",serverName); fprintf(stdout,"
    ",serverName); fprintf(stdout,"
    ",serverName,g_cgibin_path,g_cowner); fprintf(stdout,"%s\n", buf); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_class_name); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_student_number); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_entered_pin); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_start_question); if (mode == VIEW_PREVIOUS_MODE ) { fprintf(stdout,"\n",M_VIEWPREV); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_vset); } else { fprintf(stdout,"\n",M_TRYSET); } fprintf(stdout,"\n
    ",serverName,g_cgibin_path,g_cowner); fprintf(stdout,"%s\n", buf); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_class_name); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_student_number); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_entered_pin); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_start_question-g_num_questions_per_page); if (mode == VIEW_PREVIOUS_MODE ) { fprintf(stdout,"\n",M_VIEWPREV); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_vset); } else { fprintf(stdout,"\n",M_TRYSET); } fprintf(stdout,"\n
    ",serverName,g_cgibin_path,g_cowner); fprintf(stdout,"%s\n", buf); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_class_name); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_student_number); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_entered_pin); fprintf(stdout,""); fprintf(stdout,"Problem:\n"); if (mode == VIEW_PREVIOUS_MODE ) { fprintf(stdout,"\n",M_VIEWPREV); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_vset); } else { fprintf(stdout,"\n",M_TRYSET); } if (!capa_get_header(&header, g_login_set)) { numquest=atoi(header.num_questions); capa_mfree(header.weight); capa_mfree(header.partial_credit); for(idx=0;idx
    ",serverName,g_cgibin_path,g_cowner); fprintf(stdout,"%s\n", buf); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_class_name); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_student_number); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_entered_pin); fprintf(stdout,"\n",g_login_set); fprintf(stdout,"\n
    \n"); fflush(stdout); } void create_status_line(int mode,int question_cnt, T_entry* entry) { char buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; int idx,configResult,status_line_length; configResult=read_capa_config("web_status_line_length",buf); if (configResult != 0 && configResult != -1 ) { if (sscanf(buf,"%d",&status_line_length)==0) { status_line_length=question_cnt; } } else { status_line_length=question_cnt; } append_stext(""); append_stext(""); for(idx=0; idx < status_line_length;idx++ ) { sprintf(buf,"",idx+1); append_stext(buf); } for(idx = 0; idx < question_cnt; idx++ ) { if ( !(idx%status_line_length) ) { sprintf(buf,"", idx+1,idx+status_line_length); append_stext(buf); } if ((idx >= g_start_question-1) && (((g_num_questions_per_page == ALL_QUESTIONS)) || (idx < (g_start_question+g_num_questions_per_page-1)))) { sprintf(buf,""); } else { sprintf(buf,""); } append_stext(buf); } append_stext("
    Go to problem [%d]
    %d-%dStatus: ",idx+1); } else { sprintf(buf,""); } append_stext(buf); if ( (mode == CHECK_ANSWER_MODE) && g_log_string[idx] == '-') { if (g_inhibit_response && (entry->answers[idx]!='-')) { sprintf(buf,"A"); } else { sprintf(buf,"%c",entry->answers[idx]); } } else { if (g_inhibit_response && (entry->answers[idx]!='-')) { sprintf(buf,"A"); } else { if ( mode == CHECK_ANSWER_MODE ) { sprintf(buf,"%c",g_log_string[idx]); } else { sprintf(buf,"%c",entry->answers[idx]); } } } append_stext(buf); if ((idx >= g_start_question-1) && (((g_num_questions_per_page == ALL_QUESTIONS)) || (idx < (g_start_question+g_num_questions_per_page-1)))) { sprintf(buf,"
    \n"); } /* -------------------------------- called by try set, view previous, check answer */ void print_quizz(class_dir,c_owner,class,sn,pin,set,mode) char *class_dir; char *c_owner;char *class;char *sn;int pin;int set;int mode; { extern int Parsemode_f; extern char *StartText_p; extern char *EndText_p; Problem_t *first_prob, *prob_idx; int result, question_idx, question_cnt, idx, view_assignment_after_due=1; int q_leng, display_ans=1, configResult; int view_assignments_after_due=1; char buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; char class_fullpath[FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; T_entry entry; T_header header; long offset; double a; char cmp_ans[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE],date_str[DATE_BUFFER]; time_t curtime; char *serverName; char *c_ans; serverName=getenv("SERVER_NAME"); if (!serverName) { fprintf(stdout,"Enviroment variable SERVER_NAME not set.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Unable to complete actions.\n"); return; } sprintf(class_fullpath,"%s/%s",class_dir,class); /* chdir(class_fullpath); */ #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"enter print_quizz() %s, mode:%d\n",class_fullpath,mode); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ /* get configuration options */ configResult=read_capa_config("num_questions_per_page",buf); if (configResult != 0 && configResult != -1 ) { if (sscanf(buf,"%d",&g_num_questions_per_page)==0) { g_num_questions_per_page=ALL_QUESTIONS; } } else { g_num_questions_per_page=ALL_QUESTIONS; } view_assignments_after_due=capa_check_option(OPTION_VIEW_PROBLEMS_AFTER_DUE, set,g_student_data.s_sec); if (view_assignments_after_due < 0 ) view_assignments_after_due=1; g_inhibit_response=capa_check_option(OPTION_INHIBIT_RESPONSE,set,g_student_data.s_sec); if (g_inhibit_response < 0 ) g_inhibit_response=0; #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"Set %d, Section%d, ViewAssign? %d, Inhibit Resp? %d\n",set, g_student_data.s_sec,view_assignments_after_due, g_inhibit_response); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ time(&curtime); offset=capa_get_entry(&entry,sn,set); /* <-------- capa*() call ---- */ if( mode == VIEW_PREVIOUS_MODE ) { if( view_assignment_after_due ) { if( capa_check_date(CHECK_OPEN_DATE,g_student_number, g_student_data.s_sec,set) < 0 ) { append_qtext("This set is not yet open.\n"); return ; } } else { if( (capa_check_date(CHECK_ANS_DATE,g_student_number, g_student_data.s_sec,set) < 0) && (capa_check_date(CHECK_DUE_DATE,g_student_number, g_student_data.s_sec,set) > 0) ) { append_qtext("This set is not yet available to be viewed.\n"); return ; } } if( capa_check_date(CHECK_ANS_DATE,g_student_number, g_student_data.s_sec,set) < 0 ) { display_ans = 0; } } g_passdue = 0; if( mode == CHECK_ANSWER_MODE || ( (!view_assignment_after_due) && mode == TRY_SET_MODE)) { if( capa_check_date(CHECK_DUE_DATE,g_student_number, g_student_data.s_sec,set) > 0 ) { capa_get_date(CHECK_DUE_DATE,g_student_number, g_student_data.s_sec,set,date_str); sprintf(buf,"SORRY, the due date was: %s\n",date_str); append_qtext(buf); g_passdue = 1; } } if ((mode==CHECK_ANSWER_MODE) || (mode== TRY_SET_MODE)) capa_set_login_time(g_student_number,set); capa_get_header(&header,set); sscanf(header.num_questions,"%d",&question_cnt); print_page_header(mode,question_cnt); #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"DONE page header\n"); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ if(offset < 0 ) offset = - offset; Parsemode_f = HTML_MODE; /* WEB_MODE */ result = capa_parse(set, &first_prob, sn, &question_cnt,NULL); /* <-- capa*() call */ #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"DONE capa_parse() [%d], pass due=%d\n",result,g_passdue); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ if (StartText_p) printf(StartText_p); #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"DONE Start Text\n"); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ if ( result != 0 ) { if( !g_passdue ) { append_qtext("
    ",serverName, g_cgibin_path,c_owner); append_qtext(buf); sprintf(buf,"\n",class); append_qtext(buf); sprintf(buf,"\n",sn); append_qtext(buf); sprintf(buf,"\n",pin); append_qtext(buf); sprintf(buf,"\n",set); append_qtext(buf); sprintf(buf,"\n",M_CHECKANS); append_qtext(buf); sprintf(buf,"\n",g_start_question); append_qtext(buf); append_qtext("\n
      \n"); } for(idx=0;idxnext ) { #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"quetion_idx: %d, g_start_question:%d, g_num_que: %d\n", question_idx,g_start_question,g_num_questions_per_page); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ if ((question_idx < g_start_question-1) || (((!(g_num_questions_per_page == ALL_QUESTIONS)) && (question_idx >= (g_start_question+g_num_questions_per_page-1))))) { preserve_last_answer(question_idx,0); continue; } if( !g_passdue ) { sprintf(buf,"",question_idx+1); append_qtext(buf); /* if (!((question_idx == (g_start_question-1)) || (question_idx == 0))) { append_qtext("Top"); sprintf(buf,"  Next",question_idx+2); append_qtext(buf); }*/ if (prob_idx->question != NULL) { q_leng = strlen(prob_idx->question); if ( !prob_idx->show_br ) { append_qtext(prob_idx->question); } else { append_qtext_addbr(prob_idx->question); /* for(idx=0;idx g_qsize-2 ) { char *temp_text; g_qsize=(g_qchar_cnt+2)*2; temp_text=capa_malloc(g_qsize,sizeof(char)); strncpy(temp_text,g_question_txt,g_qsize); capa_mfree(g_question_txt); g_question_txt=temp_text; } g_question_txt[g_qchar_cnt]=prob_idx->question[idx]; g_qchar_cnt++; if(prob_idx->question[idx] == '\n' ) { append_qtext("
      \n"); } } */ } } } if(mode == VIEW_PREVIOUS_MODE) { /* VIEW_PREVIOUS_MODE */ /* if( prob_idx->ans_type == ANSWER_IS_FLOAT ) { a = (double)atof(prob_idx->answer); sprintf(cmp_ans,prob_idx->ans_fmt, a); } else { if ( prob_idx->ans_type == ANSWER_IS_SUBJECTIVE) { strcpy(cmp_ans,"Subjective Answer"); } else { if (prob_idx->answer) { strcpy(cmp_ans,prob_idx->answer); } else { strcpy(cmp_ans,"No Answer"); } } } if( prob_idx->ans_unit ) { sprintf(buf,"

      Answer: %s %s
      \n",cmp_ans, prob_idx->unit_str); } else { sprintf(buf,"

      Answer: %s
      \n",cmp_ans); } */ if( display_ans ) { c_ans=answers_string(ANSWER_STRING_MODE, prob_idx); sprintf(buf,"

      Answer: %s
      ",c_ans); append_qtext(buf); capa_mfree(c_ans); if ( prob_idx->explain) { sprintf(buf,"

      Explanation: \n

      \n",prob_idx->explain); append_qtext(buf); } } } else { /* could be TRY_SET_MODE, CHECK_ANSWER_MODE */ if( g_passdue ) { get_response(header.partial_credit[question_idx],entry.answers[question_idx],question_idx,prob_idx); }else{ if (g_inhibit_response) { print_inhibited_response(header.partial_credit[question_idx],entry.answers[question_idx],question_idx,prob_idx); } else { print_response(header.partial_credit[question_idx],entry.answers[question_idx],question_idx,prob_idx); } append_qtext("
      \n"); if( (g_tried[question_idx] >= prob_idx->show_hint) || (entry.answers[question_idx]=='Y') || (entry.answers[question_idx]=='y')) { if( prob_idx->hint ) { sprintf(buf,"

      Hint: %s\n
      \n", prob_idx->hint); append_qtext(buf); } } } } } /* ------------------------------------- end displaying each problem */ append_qtext("\n

    \n"); if( EndText_p ) append_qtext(EndText_p); free_problems(first_prob); free_units(); #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"End display each problem\n"); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ if( mode == CHECK_ANSWER_MODE ) { /* update the record database */ if( !g_passdue ) { for(idx=0;idxUnable to log attempt. Please notify instructor.\n"); } } #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"DONE check answer mode\n"); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ if( (mode == TRY_SET_MODE && !g_passdue) || mode == VIEW_PREVIOUS_MODE) { create_status_line(mode,question_cnt,&entry); } if( !g_passdue ) { sprintf(buf,"\n"); append_qtext(buf); } } } /*if the assignment is passedue we come here to get what the answer was just in case*/ void get_response(char pcr,char u_db,int q_idx,Problem_t *p) { if( pcr == '0' || p->ans_type==ANSWER_IS_SUBJECTIVE ) { /* not hand-graded question */ switch(u_db) { /* what's from the user record */ case 'Y': break; case 'y': break; case '-': if(g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx+1] != NULL ) log_user_ans(q_idx,p); break; case 'E': case 'e': break; case 'n': break; case 'N': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if(g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx+1] != NULL ) log_user_ans(q_idx,p); break; default: break; } } } void display_last_answer(int q_idx) { char buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; StudentAnswer_t *sa_p; #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"Enter display_last_answer() [%d]\n",q_idx); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ if(g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx+1] != NULL) { sa_p=g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx+1]; } else { if (g_last_ans_pp[q_idx+1] != NULL) { sa_p=g_last_ans_pp[q_idx+1]; } else { return; } } if (sa_p->a_next == NULL) { sprintf(buf,"\n", q_idx+1,sa_p->a_str); append_qtext(buf); sprintf(buf," Last Answer: %s\n",sa_p->a_str); append_qtext(buf); } else { while(sa_p) { sprintf(buf,"\n", q_idx+1,sa_p->a_idx,sa_p->a_str); append_qtext(buf); sprintf(buf," Last Answer %d: %s\n",sa_p->a_idx,sa_p->a_str); append_qtext(buf); sa_p=sa_p->a_next; } } } void preserve_last_answer(int q_idx,int print) { char buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; StudentAnswer_t *sa_p; #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"Enter preserve_last_answer() [%d]\n",q_idx); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ if(g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx+1] != NULL) { sa_p=g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx+1]; } else { if (g_last_ans_pp[q_idx+1] != NULL) { sa_p=g_last_ans_pp[q_idx+1]; } else { return; } } if (sa_p->a_next == NULL) { sprintf(buf,"\n", q_idx+1,sa_p->a_str); if (print) printf(buf); else append_qtext(buf); } else { while(sa_p) { sprintf(buf,"\n", q_idx+1,sa_p->a_idx,sa_p->a_str); if (print) printf(buf); else append_qtext(buf); sa_p=sa_p->a_next; } } } void display_last_subjective(int q_idx) { char *buf; char *answer; #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"Enter display_last_subjective() [%d]\n",q_idx); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ answer=capa_get_subjective(g_login_set,q_idx+1,g_student_number); if (answer==NULL) return; #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"Found answer %s\n",answer); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ buf=capa_malloc(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE+strlen(answer),1); /* don't need to stick in a last since we always get it from the files */ /* sprintf(buf,"\n",q_idx+1,answer);*/ append_qtext(buf); append_qtext("Current Submission:
    \n"); append_qtext("\n
    \n"); append_qtext("
    "); append_qtext("
    \n"); capa_mfree(buf); capa_mfree(answer); } void create_answer_area(Problem_t *p,int q_idx) { int ii=0; char buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; AnswerInfo_t *ai; #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"Enter create_answer_area() [%d]\n",q_idx); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ if ( p->ans_type==ANSWER_IS_SUBJECTIVE ) { display_last_subjective(q_idx); } if ( p->show_ans_box ) { if ( p->ans_op == ANS_AND ) { if (p->ans_type == ANSWER_IS_FORMULA) { /* first answer is stored in p, the rest are linked off of p->ans_list */ sprintf(buf,"

    Answer %d of %d:\n",ii+1,p->ans_cnt,q_idx+1,ii+1); } else { sprintf(buf,"

    Answer %d of %d:\n",ii+1,p->ans_cnt,q_idx+1,ii+1); } append_qtext(buf); for(ii=1, ai=p->ans_list;iians_cnt;ai=ai->ans_next,ii++) { if (ai->ans_type == ANSWER_IS_FORMULA) { sprintf(buf,"

    Answer %d of %d:\n",ii+1,p->ans_cnt,q_idx+1,ii+1); } else { sprintf(buf,"

    Answer %d of %d:\n",ii+1,p->ans_cnt,q_idx+1,ii+1); } append_qtext(buf); } } else { /* single answer, or /OR answers, or subjective answer */ if (p->ans_type == ANSWER_IS_SUBJECTIVE ) { sprintf(buf,"

    \n",q_idx+1); } else { if (p->ans_type == ANSWER_IS_FORMULA) { sprintf(buf,"

    Answer:\n",q_idx+1); } else { sprintf(buf,"

    Answer:\n",q_idx+1); } } append_qtext(buf); } } append_qtext("\n"); if ( p->ans_type!=ANSWER_IS_SUBJECTIVE ) { display_last_answer(q_idx); } } void print_response(char pcr,char u_db,int q_idx,Problem_t *p) { int a_tpe; char *c_ans,*response,*answered="Answered",*nycorrect="Not yet correct"; int t_tpe; double tol; int sig_l; int sig_u; char *a_fmt, *c_answer_str; int tries; char buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; a_tpe = p->ans_type; c_ans = p->answer; t_tpe = p->tol_type; tol = p->tolerance; sig_l = p->sig_lbound; sig_u = p->sig_ubound; a_fmt = p->ans_fmt; tries = p->tries; response=nycorrect; #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"Enter print_response() [%c]\n",u_db); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ if( pcr == '0' || a_tpe==ANSWER_IS_SUBJECTIVE ) { /* not hand-graded question */ switch(u_db) { /* this is from the user record */ case 'Y': c_answer_str = answers_string(ANSWER_STRING_MODE, p); sprintf(buf,"

    Correct, computer gets: %s\n", c_answer_str); append_qtext(buf); capa_mfree((char *)c_answer_str); break; case 'y': append_qtext("

    Hand-graded Correct\n"); break; case '-': if(g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx+1] == NULL ) { create_answer_area(p,q_idx); } else { check_user_ans(q_idx,p); } break; case 'E': case 'e': append_qtext("

    Excused\n"); break; case 'n': append_qtext("

    Hand-graded Incorrect\n"); break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': response=answered; case 'N': if(g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx+1] == NULL ) { if( g_tried[q_idx] < tries) { create_answer_area(p,q_idx); if( tries - g_tried[q_idx] == 1) { sprintf(buf,"
    %s, ONE try left!!\n",response); }else{ sprintf(buf,"
    %s, tries %d/%d\n",response, g_tried[q_idx],tries); } append_qtext(buf); }else{ if (p->ans_type==ANSWER_IS_SUBJECTIVE) display_last_answer(q_idx); else display_last_subjective(q_idx); append_qtext("
    No more tries.\n"); } } else { /* answering this question */ if( g_tried[q_idx] < tries) { check_user_ans(q_idx,p); } else { if (p->ans_type==ANSWER_IS_SUBJECTIVE) display_last_answer(q_idx); else display_last_subjective(q_idx); append_qtext("
    No more tries.\n"); } } break; } } else { append_qtext("

    Question to be Graded Manually.\n"); } } void print_inhibited_response(char pcr,char u_db,int q_idx,Problem_t *p) { int a_tpe; char *c_ans; int t_tpe; double tol; int sig_l; int sig_u; char *a_fmt; int tries; char buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; a_tpe = p->ans_type; c_ans = p->answer; t_tpe = p->tol_type; tol = p->tolerance; sig_l = p->sig_lbound; sig_u = p->sig_ubound; a_fmt = p->ans_fmt; tries = p->tries; #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"Enter print_inhibited_response() [%c]\n",u_db); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ if( pcr == '0' || a_tpe==ANSWER_IS_SUBJECTIVE ) { /* not hand-graded question */ switch(u_db) { /* this is from the user record */ case '-': if(g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx+1] == NULL ) { create_answer_area(p,q_idx); } else { check_inhibited_user_ans(q_idx,p); } break; case 'Y': case 'y': case 'E': case 'e': case 'n': case 'N': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if(g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx+1] == NULL ) { if( g_tried[q_idx] < tries) { create_answer_area(p,q_idx); if( tries - g_tried[q_idx] == 1) { append_qtext("
    Answered, ONE try left!!\n"); }else{ sprintf(buf,"
    Answered, tries %d/%d\n",g_tried[q_idx],tries); append_qtext(buf); } }else{ if (p->ans_type==ANSWER_IS_SUBJECTIVE) display_last_answer(q_idx); else display_last_subjective(q_idx); append_qtext("
    Answered,No more tries.\n"); } } else { /* answering this question */ if( g_tried[q_idx] < tries) { check_inhibited_user_ans(q_idx,p); } else { if (p->ans_type==ANSWER_IS_SUBJECTIVE) display_last_answer(q_idx); else display_last_subjective(q_idx); append_qtext("
    Answered, No more tries.\n"); } } break; } } else { append_qtext("

    Question to be Graded Manually.\n"); } } /* returns a -1 if there were not enough answers, otherwise the number of responses for the question is returned !!!!!AS A SIDEEFFECT IT ALSO CROPS ANSWERS TO ANSWER_STRING_LENG!!!!!!! */ int gather_answers(char ***ans,int q_idx,Problem_t *p) { int cnt; if(p->ans_op==ANS_AND) { int i; StudentAnswer_t *sa_p; *ans=(char**)capa_malloc(p->ans_cnt,sizeof(char*)); sa_p= g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx+1]; for(i=0;((ians_cnt)&&(sa_p));i++){ ans[0][i]=sa_p->a_str; if ((strlen(ans[0][i])+1) > ANSWER_STRING_LENG) ans[0][i][ANSWER_STRING_LENG]='\0'; sa_p=sa_p->a_next; } cnt=p->ans_cnt; if (ians_cnt) return -1; } else { *ans=(char**)capa_malloc(p->ans_cnt,sizeof(char*)); ans[0][0]=g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx+1]->a_str; if ((strlen(ans[0][0])+1) > ANSWER_STRING_LENG) ans[0][0][ANSWER_STRING_LENG]='\0'; cnt=1; } return cnt; } /*logging user's answer when it is passed due.*/ void log_user_ans(int q_idx,Problem_t *p) { char **ans; char *error; int cnt; if (p->ans_type==ANSWER_IS_SUBJECTIVE) { /*capa_set_subjective(g_login_set,q_idx+1,g_student_number, g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx+1]->a_str);*/ } else { if (-1 != (cnt=gather_answers(&ans,q_idx,p))) { switch( capa_check_answers(p,ans,cnt,&error) ) { case EXACT_ANS: g_log_string[q_idx]='Y'; break; case APPROX_ANS: g_log_string[q_idx]='Y'; break; case SIG_FAIL: g_log_string[q_idx]='S'; capa_mfree(error); break; case UNIT_FAIL: g_log_string[q_idx]='U'; capa_mfree(error); break; case UNIT_NOTNEEDED: g_log_string[q_idx]='U'; capa_mfree(error); break; case NO_UNIT: g_log_string[q_idx]='u'; break; case BAD_FORMULA: g_log_string[q_idx]='F'; break; case INCORRECT: g_log_string[q_idx]='N'; break; case WANTED_NUMERIC: g_log_string[q_idx]='s'; break; } } } } void submit_subjective(int q_idx,Problem_t *p) { char buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; if (capa_set_subjective(g_login_set,q_idx+1,g_student_number, g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx+1]->a_str)<0){ sprintf(buf,"

    Falied to record last submission.
    \n"); g_tried[q_idx]--; } else { sprintf(buf,"

    Current submission recorded.
    \n"); g_new_answerdb[q_idx] = '0'; g_log_string[q_idx]='A'; } append_qtext(buf); if (g_tried[q_idx]tries) { create_answer_area(p,q_idx); if( p->tries - g_tried[q_idx] == 1) { append_qtext("
    ONE try left\n"); }else{ sprintf(buf,"
    tries %d/%d\n",g_tried[q_idx],p->tries); append_qtext(buf); } }else{ display_last_answer(q_idx); append_qtext("
    No more tries.\n"); } } void check_user_ans(int q_idx,Problem_t *p) { int a_tpe,cnt; char *c_ans,**ans; int t_tpe; double tol; int sig_l; int sig_u; char *a_fmt; int tries; char buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; char *error; a_tpe = p->ans_type; t_tpe = p->tol_type; tol = p->tolerance; sig_l = p->sig_lbound; sig_u = p->sig_ubound; a_fmt = p->ans_fmt; tries = p->tries; #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"Enter check_user_ans() anstype=%d\n",a_tpe); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ g_tried[q_idx]++; #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"Call capa_check_answer() with [%s]\n",g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx+1]->a_str); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ if (a_tpe==ANSWER_IS_SUBJECTIVE) { submit_subjective(q_idx,p); return; } cnt=gather_answers(&ans,q_idx,p); if (cnt == -1) { g_tried[q_idx]--; create_answer_area(p,q_idx); if( (tries - g_tried[q_idx]) == 1 ) { append_qtext("
    Not all answers submitted, ONE try left!!\n"); }else{ sprintf(buf,"
    Not all answers submitted, tries %d/%d.\n", g_tried[q_idx],tries); append_qtext(buf); } return; } switch( capa_check_answers(p,ans,cnt,&error) ) { case EXACT_ANS: case APPROX_ANS: c_ans=answers_string(ANSWER_STRING_MODE, p); sprintf(buf,"

    Yes, Computer gets: %s\n", c_ans); append_qtext(buf); g_new_answerdb[q_idx] = 'Y'; g_log_string[q_idx]='Y'; capa_mfree(c_ans); break; case WANTED_NUMERIC: create_answer_area(p,q_idx); g_tried[q_idx]--; /* don't count as a try */ sprintf(buf,"
    This question expects a numeric answer, tries %d/%d.\n",g_tried[q_idx],tries); append_qtext(buf); g_new_answerdb[q_idx] = 'N'; g_log_string[q_idx]='s'; break; case SIG_FAIL: create_answer_area(p,q_idx); g_tried[q_idx]--; /* don't count as a try */ sprintf(buf,"
    Please adjust significant figures, you provided %s significant figures, tries %d/%d.\n",error,g_tried[q_idx],tries); append_qtext(buf); capa_mfree(error); g_new_answerdb[q_idx] = 'N'; g_log_string[q_idx]='S'; break; case UNIT_FAIL: create_answer_area(p,q_idx); g_tried[q_idx]--; /* don't count as a try */ sprintf(buf,"
    Units incorrect, Computer reads units as %s, tries %d/%d.\n",error,g_tried[q_idx],tries); capa_mfree(error); append_qtext(buf); g_new_answerdb[q_idx] = 'N'; g_log_string[q_idx]='U'; break; case UNIT_NOTNEEDED: create_answer_area(p,q_idx); g_tried[q_idx]--; /* don't count as a try */ if(tries > 0) { sprintf(buf,"
    Only a number required, Computer reads units of %s, tries %d/%d.\n",error,g_tried[q_idx],tries); append_qtext(buf); } capa_mfree(error); g_new_answerdb[q_idx] = 'N'; g_log_string[q_idx]='U'; break; case NO_UNIT: create_answer_area(p,q_idx); g_tried[q_idx]--; /* don't count as a try */ sprintf(buf,"
    Units required, tries %d/%d.\n",g_tried[q_idx],tries); append_qtext(buf); g_new_answerdb[q_idx] = 'N'; g_log_string[q_idx]='u'; break; case BAD_FORMULA: create_answer_area(p,q_idx); g_tried[q_idx]--; /* don't count as a try */ sprintf(buf,"
    Unable to understand formula, tries %d/%d.\n",g_tried[q_idx],tries); append_qtext(buf); g_new_answerdb[q_idx] = 'N'; g_log_string[q_idx]='F'; break; case INCORRECT: if( g_tried[q_idx] < tries ) { create_answer_area(p,q_idx); if( (tries - g_tried[q_idx]) == 1 ) { append_qtext("
    Incorrect, ONE try left!!\n"); }else{ sprintf(buf,"
    Incorrect, tries %d/%d.\n",g_tried[q_idx],tries); append_qtext(buf); } } else { display_last_answer(q_idx); append_qtext("
    Incorrect, no more tries.\n"); } g_new_answerdb[q_idx] = 'N'; g_log_string[q_idx]='N'; break; } } void check_inhibited_user_ans(int q_idx,Problem_t *p) { int a_tpe,cnt; char *c_ans,**ans; int t_tpe; double tol; int sig_l; int sig_u; char *a_fmt; int tries; char buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; char *error; a_tpe = p->ans_type; c_ans = p->answer; t_tpe = p->tol_type; tol = p->tolerance; sig_l = p->sig_lbound; sig_u = p->sig_ubound; a_fmt = p->ans_fmt; tries = p->tries; #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"Enter check_inhibited_user_ans() anstype=%d\n",a_tpe); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ g_tried[q_idx]++; #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"Call capa_check_answer() with [%s]\n",g_stu_ans_pp[q_idx+1]->a_str); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ if (a_tpe==ANSWER_IS_SUBJECTIVE) { submit_subjective(q_idx,p); return; } cnt=gather_answers(&ans,q_idx,p); if (cnt == -1) { g_tried[q_idx]--; create_answer_area(p,q_idx); if( (tries - g_tried[q_idx]) == 1 ) { append_qtext("
    Not all answers submitted, ONE try left!!\n"); }else{ sprintf(buf,"
    Not all answers submitted, tries %d/%d.\n", g_tried[q_idx],tries); append_qtext(buf); } return; } switch( capa_check_answers(p,ans,cnt,&error) ) { case EXACT_ANS: case APPROX_ANS: g_new_answerdb[q_idx] = 'Y'; g_log_string[q_idx]='Y'; break; case WANTED_NUMERIC: g_new_answerdb[q_idx] = 'N'; g_log_string[q_idx]='s'; break; case SIG_FAIL: g_new_answerdb[q_idx] = 'N'; g_log_string[q_idx]='S'; capa_mfree(error); break; case UNIT_FAIL: g_new_answerdb[q_idx] = 'N'; g_log_string[q_idx]='U'; capa_mfree(error); break; case UNIT_NOTNEEDED: g_new_answerdb[q_idx] = 'N'; g_log_string[q_idx]='U'; capa_mfree(error); break; case NO_UNIT: g_new_answerdb[q_idx] = 'N'; g_log_string[q_idx]='u'; break; case BAD_FORMULA: g_new_answerdb[q_idx] = 'N'; g_log_string[q_idx]='F'; break; case INCORRECT: g_new_answerdb[q_idx] = 'N'; g_log_string[q_idx]='N'; break; } if( g_tried[q_idx] < tries ) { create_answer_area(p,q_idx); if( (tries - g_tried[q_idx]) == 1 ) { append_qtext("
    Answered, ONE try left!!\n"); }else{ sprintf(buf,"
    Answered, tries %d/%d.\n",g_tried[q_idx],tries); append_qtext(buf); } } else { display_last_answer(q_idx); append_qtext("
    Answered, no more tries.\n"); } } void /* RETURNS: (nothing) */ print_summary(class_dir,class,student_number,pin,set) char *class_dir;char *class;char *student_number;int pin;int set; { /* LOCAL VARIABLES: */ int set_idx, /* Set counter */ i, /* Question counter */ set_score, /* Score on a set */ term_score=0, /* Total points received */ term_valid=0, /* Total points possible */ result, tot_num_sets=0; T_entry entry; /* Database entry for a set */ char buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; /* Output line buffer */ char buf2[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; /* Output line buffer */ T_header header; /* Problem set header */ int question_cnt,valid_wgt, rate,configResult, status_line_length=DEFAULT_STATUS_LINE_LENGTH,row; char class_fullpath[ONE_K],*serverName; serverName=getenv("SERVER_NAME"); if (!serverName) { fprintf(stdout,"Enviroment variable SERVER_NAME not set.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Unable to complete actions.\n"); return; } printf(""); sprintf(class_fullpath,"%s/%s",class_dir,class); chdir(class_fullpath); configResult=read_capa_config("web_status_line_length",buf); if (configResult != 0 && configResult != -1 ) { if (sscanf(buf,"%d",&status_line_length)==0) { status_line_length=DEFAULT_STATUS_LINE_LENGTH; } } else { status_line_length=DEFAULT_STATUS_LINE_LENGTH; } printf("\n\n"); for(i=0;i%d\n",i+1); } printf(""); for (set_idx=1; set_idx<=set; set_idx++) { g_inhibit_response=capa_check_option(OPTION_INHIBIT_RESPONSE,set_idx, g_student_data.s_sec); if (g_inhibit_response > 0) { printf("\n",set_idx); continue; } if ( capa_check_date(CHECK_OPEN_DATE,g_student_number, g_student_data.s_sec,set_idx) < 0 ){ printf("\n",set_idx); continue; } if (capa_get_header(&header,set_idx)) return; tot_num_sets++; capa_get_entry(&entry,student_number,set_idx); sscanf(header.num_questions,"%d", &(question_cnt) ); valid_wgt = 0; set_score = 0; header.weight[question_cnt] = '\0'; header.partial_credit[question_cnt] = '\0'; for (i=0; i='0') && (entry.answers[i]<='9')) set_score += (entry.answers[i] - '0'); } term_valid += valid_wgt; term_score += set_score; if( valid_wgt != 0 ) { rate = 100*set_score / valid_wgt; printf("",set_idx,set_score,valid_wgt,rate); } else { printf("",set_idx); } for(row=0;row<=(question_cnt/status_line_length);row++) { for(i=(row*status_line_length); ((i"); } printf("\n",entry.answers[i]); } printf("\n"); for(i=(row*status_line_length); ((i"); } printf("\n",header.weight[i]); } } printf(""); capa_mfree(header.weight); capa_mfree(header.partial_credit); } printf("\n
    set %d, %d/%d(%d %%)
    set %d, 0/0(0 %%) %c

    \n"); /* SHOW TOTALS */ /* if capalogin_show_summary_score is set to none don't show it */ if (term_valid > 0) { sprintf(buf,"%d sets, total = %3d/%3d (%d%%)\n", tot_num_sets, term_score, term_valid, 100*term_score/term_valid); } else { sprintf(buf,"%d sets, total = %3d/%3d\n", tot_num_sets, term_score, term_valid); } result=read_capa_config("capalogin_show_summary_score",buf2); if (result != 0 && result != -1) { if (strcasecmp(buf2,"none")==0) { } else { printf("%s",buf); } } else { printf("%s",buf); } printf("\n\n"); printf(""); printf("\n
    "); printf("
    ",serverName,g_cgibin_path,g_cowner); printf("%s\n", buf); printf("\n",g_class_name); printf("\n",g_student_number); printf("\n",g_entered_pin); printf("\n",M_CHECKIN); printf("
    ",serverName); printf("
    \n"); } void process_mode(int mode) { #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"entered process_mode[%d]\n",mode); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ g_qchar_cnt=g_schar_cnt=0; g_qsize=TEXT_BUF_SIZE*sizeof(char); g_ssize=STATUS_BUF_SIZE*sizeof(char); g_question_txt=capa_malloc(TEXT_BUF_SIZE,sizeof(char)); g_status_txt =capa_malloc(STATUS_BUF_SIZE,sizeof(char)); #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"alloced everything\n"); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ if( mode == VIEW_PREVIOUS_MODE ) { print_quizz(g_cpath,g_cowner,g_class_name,g_student_number, g_entered_pin, g_vset,mode); } else if( mode == TRY_SET_MODE ) { print_quizz(g_cpath,g_cowner,g_class_name,g_student_number, g_entered_pin, g_login_set,mode); } else { print_quizz(g_cpath,g_cowner,g_class_name,g_student_number,g_entered_pin,g_login_set,CHECK_ANSWER_MODE); } g_status_txt[g_schar_cnt]=0; g_question_txt[g_qchar_cnt]=0; if( g_schar_cnt != 0 ) { fprintf(stdout,"%s",g_status_txt); #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"print status [%s]\n",g_status_txt); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ } if( g_qchar_cnt != 0) { fprintf(stdout,"%s",g_question_txt); #ifdef CGI_DBUG fprintf(g_cgi,"print question [%s]\n",g_question_txt); fflush(g_cgi); #endif /* CGI_DBUG */ } if( g_schar_cnt != 0 ) { fprintf(stdout,"%s",g_status_txt); } fflush(stdout); capa_mfree(g_status_txt); capa_mfree(g_question_txt); } /* mode could be exam summary, show or not show percentage */ /* quiz summary, show or not show percentage */ void process_summary(int mode) { int outcome; int i, len; char *c_name; char c_path[512]; outcome = check_exam_quiz_path(); if( (mode == M_EXAMSUMM) && (outcome & 1) ) { /* exam summary */ c_name = rindex(g_exam_path,'/'); c_name++; i = strlen(c_name); len = strlen(g_exam_path) - i - 1; for(i=0;i\n",c_path_pp[2],max_set[2]); if( max_set[2] <= 0 ) { /* no sets */ max_set[2] = 0; } /* start extrapolation with sets that don't yet exist */ for(idx=2+(max_set[2]*2);idx <= (fs*2); idx++) { X[idx] = 1; } } else { /* if exam_path is not in capa.config, then skip exams */ fs = 0; } configResult=read_capa_config("correction_path",buf); if (configResult != 0 && configResult != -1 ) { tmp_len = strlen(buf)+1; c_path_pp[3] = (char *)capa_malloc(tmp_len,sizeof(char)); sprintf(c_path_pp[3],"%s",buf); max_set[3] = check_class_get_maxset(c_path_pp[3]); if( max_set[3] <= 0 ) { /* should we continue ? */ max_set[3] = 0; } } else { /* if correction_path is not in capa.config, then skip corrections */ pc_w = 0.0; } for( idx = 0; idx < 4; idx++) { if( c_path_pp[idx] != NULL ) { chdir(c_path_pp[idx]); term_score=0; term_valid=0; for (set_idx=1; set_idx<=max_set[idx]; set_idx++) { if (capa_get_header(&header,set_idx)) return; capa_get_entry(&entry,student_number,set_idx); sscanf(header.num_questions,"%d", &(question_cnt) ); valid_wgt = 0; set_score = 0; header.weight[question_cnt] = '\0'; header.partial_credit[question_cnt] = '\0'; for (i=0; i='0') && (entry.answers[i]<='9')) set_score += (entry.answers[i] - '0'); } term_valid += valid_wgt; term_score += set_score; capa_mfree(header.weight); capa_mfree(header.partial_credit); printf("\n",c_path_pp[idx],set_score,valid_wgt); if(idx==2) { /* exam sets */ S[set_idx*2] = (float)set_score; F[set_idx*2] = (float)valid_wgt; if (valid_wgt == 0) { X[set_idx*2] = 1; } else { X[set_idx*2] = 0; } } if(idx==3) { /* correction sets */ S[set_idx*2+1] = (float)set_score; F[set_idx*2+1] = (float)valid_wgt; if (valid_wgt == 0 ) { X[set_idx*2+1] = 1; } else { X[set_idx*2+1] = 0; } } } if( (idx == 0) || (idx==1) ) { /* homeworks and quizzes */ S[idx] = (float)term_score; F[idx] = (float)term_valid; X[idx] = 1; } } } fprintf(out,"
    \n"); fprintf(out,"\n",capa_server,width,height); fprintf(out,"\n", hw_w); fprintf(out,"\n", qz_w); fprintf(out,"\n", ex_w); fprintf(out,"\n", fe_w); fprintf(out,"\n", pc_w); fprintf(out,"\n", hw_c); fprintf(out,"\n", hw_r); fprintf(out,"\n", fs); fprintf(out,"\n", qz_c); fprintf(out,"\n", qz_r); for(idx=0;idx\n",idx,S[idx]); fprintf(out,"\n",idx,F[idx]); fprintf(out,"\n",idx,X[idx]); } fprintf(out,"
    \n"); fprintf(out,"\n\n"); fprintf(out,""); fprintf(out,"\n
    "); fprintf(out,"
    ",serverName,g_cgibin_path,g_cowner); fprintf(out,"%s\n", buf); fprintf(out,"\n",g_class_name); fprintf(out,"\n",g_student_number); fprintf(out,"\n",g_entered_pin); fprintf(out,"\n",M_CHECKIN); fprintf(out,"
    ",serverName); fprintf(out,"
    \n"); capa_mfree((char *)S); capa_mfree((char *)F); capa_mfree((char *)X); for(idx=0;idx<4;idx++) { if( c_path_pp[idx] != NULL ) capa_mfree((char *)c_path_pp[idx]); } capa_mfree((char *)c_path_pp); capa_mfree((char *)capa_server); } void get_tscore_width_height(width,height) int *width;int *height; { char buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; int configResult; configResult=read_capa_config("tscore_width",buf); if (configResult != 0 && configResult != -1 ) { sscanf(buf,"%d", width); if (*width <= 0 ) { *width = DEFAULT_WIDTH; } } else { printf("\n",configResult); } configResult=read_capa_config("tscore_height",buf); if (configResult != 0 && configResult != -1 ) { sscanf(buf,"%d", height); if (*height <= 0 ) { *height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT; } } else { printf("\n",configResult); } } int get_termscore_params(hw,qw,ew,fw,pw,hc,qc,fs) float *hw;float *qw;float *ew;float *fw;float *pw; int *hc;int *qc;int *fs; { char buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; /* Output line buffer */ int hw_c, qz_c, fe_s; float hw_w, qz_w, ex_w, fe_w, pc_w; int configResult; configResult=read_capa_config("homework_weight",buf); if (configResult != 0 && configResult != -1 ) { sscanf(buf,"%f", &hw_w); if(hw_w < 0.0 ) { hw_w = DEFAULT_HW_W; } } else { return (-1); } configResult=read_capa_config("quiz_weight",buf); if (configResult != 0 && configResult != -1 ) { sscanf(buf,"%f", &qz_w); if(qz_w < 0.0 ) { qz_w = DEFAULT_QZ_W; } } else { return (-1); } configResult=read_capa_config("exam_weight",buf); if (configResult != 0 && configResult != -1 ) { sscanf(buf,"%f", &ex_w); if(ex_w < 0.0 ) { ex_w = DEFAULT_EX_W; } } else { return (-1); } configResult=read_capa_config("final_weight",buf); if (configResult != 0 && configResult != -1 ) { sscanf(buf,"%f", &fe_w); if(fe_w < 0.0 ) { fe_w = DEFAULT_FE_W; } } else { return (-1); } configResult=read_capa_config("correction_weight",buf); if (configResult != 0 && configResult != -1 ) { sscanf(buf,"%f", &pc_w); if(pc_w < 0.0 ) { pc_w = DEFAULT_PC_W; } } else { return (-1); } configResult=read_capa_config("final_exam_set_number",buf); if (configResult != 0 && configResult != -1 ) { sscanf(buf,"%d", &fe_s); if(fe_s <= 0 ) { fe_s = DEFAULT_FE_NUMBER; } } else { return (-1); } configResult=read_capa_config("homework_count",buf); if (configResult != 0 && configResult != -1 ) { sscanf(buf,"%d", &hw_c); if(hw_c <= 0 ) { hw_c = DEFAULT_HW_COUNT; } } else { return (-1); } configResult=read_capa_config("quiz_count",buf); if (configResult != 0 && configResult != -1 ) { sscanf(buf,"%d", &qz_c); if(qz_c <= 0 ) { qz_c = DEFAULT_QZ_COUNT; } } else { return (-1); } *hw = hw_w; *qw = qz_w; *ew = ex_w; *fw = fe_w; *pw = pc_w; *hc = hw_c; *qc = qz_c; *fs = fe_s; return (0); } /* =================================================================================================== */