#include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern C { #endif extern void exit _ANSI_ARGS_((int status)); extern int isupper _ANSI_ARGS_((int ch)); extern int tolower _ANSI_ARGS_((int ch)); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #define MAX_STRING_LEN 8192 /* give warning if string length exceeds this value */ #ifdef NO_STRING_H # include # define strchr index # define strrchr rindex #else # include #endif typedef struct tableitem { char *package;/* corresponding packagename */ char *option; /* option expected */ int flag ; /* which packages are needed */ } tableitem; static tableitem table[] = { {"Tcl" ,"-tcl" , 1}, {"Tk" ,"-tk" , 3}, {"Tclx" ,"-tclx" , 5}, {"Itcl" ,"-itcl" , 9}, {"Otcl" ,"-otcl" , 17}, /* not tested yet */ {"Pvm" ,"-pvm" , 33}, {"Tkx" ,"-tkx" , 71}, {"Itk" ,"-itk" , 139}, {"Iwidgets" ,"-iwidgets" , 395}, {"Img" ,"-img" ,515}, {"Tix" ,"-tix" ,1027}, /* not tested yet */ {"Blt" ,"-blt" ,2051}, /* not tested yet */ {"Vtcl" ,"-vtcl" ,4103}, /* not tested yet */ {"Quizzer", "-qz",8195}, {"Grader", "-gd", 16387}, {"Manager", "-mn", 32771}, {"Webpage", "-wb", 65537}, }; static char *verbose = "\n\ *************************** tcl2c ********************************\n\ written by: Jan Nijtmans\n\ CMG (Computer Management Group) Arnhem B.V.\n\ email: nijtmans@worldaccess.nl (private)\n\ Jan.Nijtmans@cmg.nl (work)\n\ url: http://www.worldaccess.nl/~nijtmans/\n\n\ Modified by: Guy Albertelli \n\n\ usage: tcl2c -o file source1 source2 ... ?options?\n\ tcl2c -help\n\ "; static char *help = "\n\ available options:\n\ -a use character array instead of string for script\n\ -n script_name name of script variable\n\ -o filename output file (default is stdout)\n\ -tcl use Tcl\n\ -tclx use Tclx\n\ -otcl use Otcl (not tested yet)\n\ -pvm use tkPvm\n\ -tk use Tk\n\ -tkx use Tkx (not really useful)\n\ -img use Img\n\ -tix use Tix (not tested yet)\n\ -blt use Blt (not tested yet)\n\ -vtcl use Vtcl (not tested yet)\n\ -qz use Quizzer\n\ -gd use Grader\n\ Other command line arguments are assumed to be tcl script-files. It is \n\ possible to include C-files (with the extension .c), which are already\n\ converted tcl-scripts. These are included using the \"#include\".\n\n\ The output file can be compiled with any C or C++ compiler.\n\ "; static char *part1 = "\n\ /* This file is created by the \"tcl2c-qz\" utility, which is included in\n\ * most \"plus\"-patches (e.g. for Tcl7.6 and Tcl8.0). Standalone\n\ * executables can be made by providing alternative initialization\n\ * functions which don't read files any more. Sometimes, small\n\ * adaptations to the original libraries are needed to get the\n\ * application truly standalone. The \"plus\"-patches contain these\n\ * adaptations for Tcl and Tk. If you just create your own\n\ * Xxx_InitStandAlone() function for your package, you can\n\ * easyly extend the \"tcl2c\" utility to your own requirements.\n\ *\n\ * Jan Nijtmans\n\ * CMG (Computer Management Group) Arnhem B.V.\n\ * email: nijtmans@worldaccess.nl (private)\n\ * Jan.Nijtmans@cmg.nl (work)\n\ * url: http://www.worldaccess.nl/~nijtmans/\n\ */\n\ #include \"tcl.h\"\n\ #ifdef __WIN32__\n\ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN\n\ #include \n\ #undef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN\n\ #include \n\ #include \n\ \n\ static int setargv _ANSI_ARGS_((char ***argvPtr));\n\ static void TclshPanic _ANSI_ARGS_(TCL_VARARGS(char *,format));\n\ extern void TclWinSetTclInstance(HINSTANCE instance);\n\ \n\ #endif\n\ \n\ /*\n\ * Defines to replace the standard Xxx_Init calls to Xxx_InitStandAlone.\n\ * If you don't have this function, just delete the corresponding\n\ * define such that the normal initialization function is used.\n\ * Similar: If SafeInit functions exists, you can use these\n\ * by commenting out the corresponding lines below.\n\ */\n\ \n\ #if defined(TCL_ACTIVE) && !defined(SHARED)\n\ "; static char *part2 = "#endif\n\ \n\ #if TCL_MAJOR_VERSION < 8\n\ "; static char *part3 = "\ #endif\n\ \n\ /*\n\ * Prototypes of all initialization functions and the free() function.\n\ * So, only \"tcl.h\" needs to be included now.\n\ */\n\ \n\ #ifdef __cplusplus\n\ extern \"C\" {\n\ #endif\n\ \n\ #ifndef USE_TCLALLOC\n\ # define USE_TCLALLOC 0\n\ #endif\n\ #if USE_TCLALLOC == 0\n\ extern void free _ANSI_ARGS_((void *));\n\ #endif\n\ extern int Tcl_Init _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp));\n\ \n\ "; static char *part3a = "\n\ extern void Tk_MainLoop _ANSI_ARGS_((void));\n\ #define HAS_TK\n\ #ifdef __WIN32__\n\ extern void TkWinXInit _ANSI_ARGS_((HINSTANCE hinstance));\n\ extern void TkWinXCleanup _ANSI_ARGS_((HINSTANCE hinstance));\n\ #endif\n\ \n\ "; static char *part4 = "\n\ \n\ #ifdef __cplusplus\n\ }\n\ #endif\n\ \n\ /*\n\ * The array \"%s\" contains the script that is compiled in.\n\ * It will be executed in tclAppInit() after the other initializations.\n\ */\n\ \n\ "; static char *part4a = "\ static char *lineformat = \"%%.0s%%d\";\n\ static int line = (__LINE__ + 1);\n\ "; static char *part4b = "\ static char *lineformat = \"%%s_line%%d\";\n\ static int line = 0;\n\ "; static char *part5 = "\ /*\n\ *----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\ *\n\ * main --\n\ *\n\ * This is the main program for the application.\n\ *\n\ * Results:\n\ * None.\n\ *\n\ * Side effects:\n\ * Whatever the application does.\n\ *\n\ *----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\ */\n\ \n\ #if defined(__WIN32__) && defined(HAS_TK)\n\ int APIENTRY\n\ WinMain(hInstance, hPrevInstance, lpszCmdLine, nCmdShow)\n\ HINSTANCE hInstance;\n\ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance;\n\ LPSTR lpszCmdLine;\n\ int nCmdShow;\n\ {\n\ char **argv;\n\ int argc;\n\ #else\n\ "; static char *part5a = "\ int\n\ #ifdef _USING_PROTOTYPES_\n\ main (int argc, /* Number of command-line arguments. */\n\ char **argv) /* Values of command-line arguments. */\n\ #else\n\ main(argc, argv)\n\ int argc; /* Number of command-line arguments. */\n\ char **argv; /* Values of command-line arguments. */\n\ #endif\n\ {\n\ #endif\n\ Tcl_Interp *interp;\n\ char **p = %s;\n\ char *q, buffer[256];\n\ Tcl_DString data;\n\ Tcl_Channel inChannel, outChannel, errChannel;\n\ \n\ #ifdef __WIN32__\n\ #if defined(TCL_ACTIVE) && !defined(SHARED) && defined(HAS_TK)\n\ TclWinSetTclInstance(hInstance);\n\ TkWinXInit(hInstance);\n\ Tcl_CreateExitHandler((Tcl_ExitProc *) TkWinXCleanup, (ClientData) hInstance);\n\ #endif\n\ \n\ Tcl_SetPanicProc(TclshPanic);\n\ \n"; static char *part5b = "\n\ /*\n\ * Set up the default locale to be standard \"C\" locale so parsing\n\ * is performed correctly.\n\ */\n\ \n\ setlocale(LC_ALL, \"C\");\n\ \n\ /*\n\ * Increase the application queue size from default value of 8.\n\ * At the default value, cross application SendMessage of WM_KILLFOCUS\n\ * will fail because the handler will not be able to do a PostMessage!\n\ * This is only needed for Windows 3.x, since NT dynamically expands\n\ * the queue.\n\ */\n\ SetMessageQueue(64);\n\ \n\ argc = setargv(&argv);\n\ \n\ /*\n\ * Replace argv[0] with full pathname of executable, and forward\n\ * slashes substituted for backslashes.\n\ */\n\ \n\ "; static char *part5c = "\ GetModuleFileName(NULL, buffer, sizeof(buffer));\n\ argv[0] = buffer;\n\ for (q = buffer; *q != '\\0'; q++) {\n\ if (*q == '\\\\') {\n\ *q = '/';\n\ }\n\ }\n\ \n\ #endif\n\ Tcl_FindExecutable(argv[0]);\n\ interp = Tcl_CreateInterp();\n\ \n\ q = Tcl_Merge(argc-1, argv+1);\n\ Tcl_SetVar(interp, \"argv\", q, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);\n\ ckfree(q);\n\ sprintf(buffer, \"%%d\", argc-1);\n\ Tcl_SetVar(interp, \"argc\", buffer, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);\n\ Tcl_SetVar(interp, \"argv0\", argv[0],TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);\n\ Tcl_SetVar(interp, \"tcl_interactive\",\"0\", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);\n\ \n\ "; static char *part6 = "\n\ /*\n\ * Execute the script that is compiled in.\n\ */\n\ \n\ inChannel = Tcl_GetStdChannel(TCL_STDIN);\n\ outChannel = Tcl_GetStdChannel(TCL_STDOUT);\n\ Tcl_DStringInit(&data);\n\ while(*p) {\n\ Tcl_DStringSetLength(&data,0);\n\ Tcl_DStringAppend(&data,*p++,-1);\n\ if (Tcl_Eval(interp,Tcl_DStringValue(&data)) != TCL_OK) {\n\ Tcl_DStringFree(&data);\n\ while (p-- != %s) {\n\ for (q = *p;*q; q++) {\n\ if (*q=='\\n') line++;\n\ }\n\ line++;\n\ }\n\ sprintf(buffer,lineformat,\"%s\",line);\n\ Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp,\"\\n ( Error in file: \\\"\");\n\ Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp,__FILE__);\n\ Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp,\"\\\", line: \");\n\ Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp,buffer);\n\ Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp,\")\");\n\ errChannel = Tcl_GetStdChannel(TCL_STDERR);\n\ if (errChannel) {\n\ Tcl_Write(errChannel,\n\ Tcl_GetVar(interp, \"errorInfo\", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY), -1);\n\ Tcl_Write(errChannel, \"\\n\", 1);\n\ }\n\ #ifdef __WIN32__\n\ TclshPanic(Tcl_GetVar(interp, \"errorInfo\", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY));\n\ #endif\n\ sprintf(buffer, \"exit %%d\", 1);\n\ Tcl_Eval(interp, buffer);\n\ }\n\ }\n\ Tcl_DStringFree(&data);\n\ "; static char *part6a = "\ Tk_MainLoop();\n\ "; static char *part6b = "\ sprintf(buffer, \"exit %%d\", 0);\n\ Tcl_Eval(interp, buffer);\n\ \n\ error:\n\ errChannel = Tcl_GetStdChannel(TCL_STDERR);\n\ if (errChannel) {\n\ Tcl_Write(errChannel,\n\ \"application-specific initialization failed: \", -1);\n\ Tcl_Write(errChannel, interp->result, -1);\n\ Tcl_Write(errChannel, \"\\n\", 1);\n\ }\n\ #ifdef __WIN32__\n\ TclshPanic(interp->result);\n\ #endif\n\ sprintf(buffer, \"exit %%d\", 1);\n\ Tcl_Eval(interp, buffer);\n\ return 0;\n\ }\n\ \n\ #ifdef __WIN32__\n\ /*\n\ *----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\ *\n\ * TclshPanic --\n\ *\n\ * Display a message and exit.\n\ *\n\ * Results:\n\ * None.\n\ *\n\ * Side effects:\n\ * Exits the program.\n\ *\n\ *----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\ */\n\ \n\ void\n\ TclshPanic TCL_VARARGS_DEF(char *,arg1)\n\ {\n\ va_list argList;\n\ char buf[1024];\n\ char *format;\n\ \n\ format = TCL_VARARGS_START(char *,arg1,argList);\n\ vsprintf(buf, format, argList);\n\ \n\ MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);\n\ MessageBox(NULL, buf, \"Fatal Error in Tclsh\",\n\ MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK | MB_TASKMODAL | MB_SETFOREGROUND);\n\ #ifdef _MSC_VER\n\ _asm {\n\ int 3\n\ }\n\ #endif\n\ ExitProcess(1);\n\ }\n\ "; static char *part6c = "\ \n\ /*\n\ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\ *\n\ * setargv --\n\ *\n\ * Parse the Windows command line string into argc/argv. Done here\n\ * because we don't trust the builtin argument parser in crt0. \n\ * Windows applications are responsible for breaking their command\n\ * line into arguments.\n\ *\n\ * 2N backslashes + quote -> N backslashes + begin quoted string\n\ * 2N + 1 backslashes + quote -> literal\n\ * N backslashes + non-quote -> literal\n\ * quote + quote in a quoted string -> single quote\n\ * quote + quote not in quoted string -> empty string\n\ * quote -> begin quoted string\n\ *\n\ * Results:\n\ * returns the number of arguments and fill argvPtr with the\n\ * array of arguments.\n\ *\n\ * Side effects:\n\ * Memory allocated.\n\ *\n\ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\ */\n\ \n\ "; static char *part6d = "\ static int\n\ setargv(argvPtr)\n\ char ***argvPtr; /* Filled with argument strings (malloc'd). */\n\ {\n\ char *cmdLine, *p, *arg, *argSpace;\n\ char **argv;\n\ int argc, size, inquote, copy, slashes;\n\ \n\ cmdLine = GetCommandLine();\n\ \n\ /*\n\ * Precompute an overly pessimistic guess at the number of arguments\n\ * in the command line by counting non-space spans.\n\ */\n\ \n\ size = 2;\n\ for (p = cmdLine; *p != '\\0'; p++) {\n\ if (isspace(*p)) {\n\ size++;\n\ while (isspace(*p)) {\n\ p++;\n\ }\n\ if (*p == '\\0') {\n\ break;\n\ }\n\ }\n\ }\n\ argSpace = (char *) ckalloc((unsigned) (size * sizeof(char *)\n\ + strlen(cmdLine) + 1));\n\ argv = (char **) argSpace;\n\ argSpace += size * sizeof(char *);\n\ size--;\n\ \n\ p = cmdLine;\n\ for (argc = 0; argc < size; argc++) {\n\ argv[argc] = arg = argSpace;\n\ while (isspace(*p)) {\n\ p++;\n\ }\n\ if (*p == '\\0') {\n\ break;\n\ }\n\ \n\ "; static char *part6e = "\ inquote = 0;\n\ slashes = 0;\n\ while (1) {\n\ copy = 1;\n\ while (*p == '\\\\') {\n\ slashes++;\n\ p++;\n\ }\n\ if (*p == '\"') {\n\ if ((slashes & 1) == 0) {\n\ copy = 0;\n\ if ((inquote) && (p[1] == '\"')) {\n\ p++;\n\ copy = 1;\n\ } else {\n\ inquote = !inquote;\n\ }\n\ }\n\ slashes >>= 1;\n\ }\n\ \n\ while (slashes) {\n\ *arg = '\\\\';\n\ arg++;\n\ slashes--;\n\ }\n\ \n\ if ((*p == '\\0') || (!inquote && isspace(*p))) {\n\ break;\n\ }\n\ if (copy != 0) {\n\ *arg = *p;\n\ arg++;\n\ }\n\ p++;\n\ }\n\ *arg = '\\0';\n\ argSpace = arg + 1;\n\ }\n\ argv[argc] = NULL;\n\ \n\ *argvPtr = argv;\n\ return argc;\n\ }\n\ #endif /* __WIN32__ */\n\ "; static char *partwebpage ="\ if (argc >1) {\n\ if (!strcmp(argv[1],\"-emailcapaid\")) { emailcapaid(argc,argv);return 0;}\n\ if (!strcmp(argv[1],\"-getid\")) { getid(argc,argv);return 0;}\n\ }\n\ "; static char *defineproto1 = "\ #define %s_Init %s_InitStandAlone\n\ "; static char *defineproto2 = "\ #define %s_SafeInit (Tcl_PackageInitProc *) NULL\n\ "; static char *initproto = "\ extern int %s_Init _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp));\n\ #ifndef %s_SafeInit\n\ extern int %s_SafeInit _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp));\n\ #endif\n\ "; static char *packageproto = "\ Tcl_StaticPackage(interp, \"%s\", %s_Init, %s_SafeInit);\n\ "; static char *callinit = "\ if (%s_Init(interp) != TCL_OK) {\n\ goto error;\n\ }\n\ "; static char buffer[32768]; static unsigned int max_buffer = 0; static char max_buffer_content[80]; static char array_instead_of_string = 0; static unsigned int num_lines = 0; static char script_name[256]; int printline _ANSI_ARGS_((FILE *f, char *buf, char *dir, int flags)); int printfile _ANSI_ARGS_((FILE *fout, char *filename, char *dir, int flags)); int #ifdef _USING_PROTOTYPES_ printline ( FILE *f, char *buf, char *dir, int flags) #else printline(f,buf,dir,flags) FILE *f; char *buf; char *dir; int flags; #endif { char *p,*q; char path[128]; unsigned int l; p=buf; while (*p=='\t' || *p==' ') p++; if (!strncmp(p,"catch",5)) { q=p+5; while (*q=='\t' || *q==' ') q++; if (*q++=='{') { while (*q=='\t' || *q==' ') q++; if (strncmp(q,"source",6)) q=(char *)NULL; } else { q=(char *)NULL; } } else { q=(char *)NULL; } if (!strncmp(p,"source",6) || q) { if (q!=(char *)NULL) { p = q; } p += 6; while(*p=='\t' || *p==' ') p++; if (*p=='/') { strcpy(path,p); } else { strcpy(path,dir); strcat(path,p); } if (q) { q=strrchr(p,'}'); if (q) { *q=0; } } if (!printfile(f, path, dir, flags)) { return 0; } else { p = strrchr(p,'/'); if (p) { strcpy(path,dir); strcat(path,p+1); if (!printfile(f ,path ,dir, flags)) { return 0; } } } if (q) { *q='}'; } } p = buf; while ((p = strstr(p, "[list source [file join $dir")) != NULL) { q = strstr(p,".tcl]]"); if (q != NULL) { memcpy(p,"{source -rsrc",13); memcpy(p+13,p+28,q-p-28); memcpy(q-15,"}",1); strcpy(q-14,q+6); } else { p++; } } if (array_instead_of_string) { fprintf(f, "\nstatic char %s_line%d[] = {\n ", script_name, ++num_lines); while (*buf) { for (l = 0; *buf && l < 14; l++) { fputc('\'', f); if (*buf == '\n') { fprintf(f,"\\n',"); buf++; continue; } if (*buf == '\'' || *buf == '\\') fputc('\\', f); fprintf(f, "%c',", *buf++); } fprintf(f, "\n "); } fprintf(f, "'\\0' };\n"); } else { fputc('\"',f); l = strlen(buf); if (l>max_buffer) { max_buffer = l; p = (strchr(buf,'\n')); if (p) { l = p - buf; } else { l = strlen(buf); } if (l>72) {l = 72;} memcpy(max_buffer_content,buf,l); max_buffer_content[l] = 0; } while(*buf) { if (*buf=='\"'||*buf=='\\') fputc('\\',f); if (*buf=='\n') {fputc('\\',f); fputc('n',f); fputc('\\',f); } fputc(*buf++,f); } fprintf(f, "\",\n"); } return 0; } int #ifdef _USING_PROTOTYPES_ printfile ( FILE *fout, char *filename, char *dir, int flags) #else printfile(fout,filename,dir, flags) FILE *fout; char *filename; char *dir; int flags; #endif { FILE *fin; char *p, *q; int c; if (!(fin=fopen(filename,"r"))) { return 1 /* cannot open file */; } p = q = buffer; while ((c=fgetc(fin))!=EOF) { *p = 0; if (c=='\n') { if (!strncmp(buffer,"if {[info exists tk_library] && [string compare $tk_library {}]} {",66)) { int flag = 1; while (((c=fgetc(fin))!=EOF) && flag) { if (c=='{') { flag++; } else if (c=='}') { flag--; } } p=q=buffer; } else if ((p==buffer)||(*q=='\n')||(*q=='#')) { if ((*q=='#') && (*(p-1)=='\\')) { p=q+1; } else { p=q; } } else { *p++ = '\n'; *p=0; if (Tcl_CommandComplete(buffer)) { p--; *p = 0; printline(fout,buffer,dir,flags); p = q = buffer; } else { q=p; } } } else { *p++ = (char) c; } } if (p!=buffer) { *p=0; printline(fout,buffer,dir,flags); } fclose(fin); return 0; /* O.K. */ } int #ifdef _USING_PROTOTYPES_ main ( int argc, char *argv[]) #else main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; #endif { FILE *fout; char *p,*q, *filename=NULL; char dir[128]; tableitem *t; int c,i, flags=0; if (argc==1) { printf(verbose); exit(0); } if (argc==2&&!strcmp(argv[1],"-help")) { printf(verbose); printf(help); exit(0); } script_name[0] = 0; /* parse all command line arguments */ for (i=1; ioption)) { flags |= t->flag; } } } } /* open output file, if not stdout */ if (filename) { fout = fopen(filename,"w"); if (fout==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"error opening file %s\n",filename); exit(1); } } else { fout = stdout; } p = script_name; if ((q = strrchr(p,':')) != NULL) { p = q+1; } if ((q = strrchr(p,'/')) != NULL) { p = q+1; } if ((q = strrchr(p,'\\')) != NULL) { p = q+1; } strcpy(script_name,p); q = script_name; while (*q) { if (*q == '.') { *q = '_'; } else if (isupper(*q)) { *q = tolower(*q); } q++; } while ((q = strchr(script_name,'.')) != NULL) { *q = '_'; } /* create prototypes for all initialization functions that are used */ if (flags) { if (script_name[0] == 0) { strcpy(script_name,"script"); } fprintf(fout, part1); for (i=0,c=1;i<(sizeof(table)/sizeof(tableitem));i++,c<<=1) { if (flags & c) { fprintf(fout,defineproto1,table[i].package, table[i].package); } } fprintf(fout, part2); for (i=1,c=2;i<(sizeof(table)/sizeof(tableitem));i++,c<<=1) { if (flags & c) { fprintf(fout,defineproto2,table[i].package); } } fprintf(fout, part3); if (flags & 2) { fprintf(fout, part3a); } for (i=1,c=2;i<(sizeof(table)/sizeof(tableitem));i++,c<<=1) { if (flags & c) { fprintf(fout,initproto,table[i].package, table[i].package,table[i].package); } } fprintf(fout, part4, script_name); if (array_instead_of_string) { fprintf(fout, part4b); } else { fprintf(fout, part4a); } } if ( !array_instead_of_string && script_name[0]) { fprintf(fout, "static char *%s[] = {\n", script_name); } /* handle all remaining arguments */ if (argc) {argc--; argv++;} while(argc) { if ((*argv)[0]=='-') { if ((((*argv)[1]=='o')||((*argv)[1]=='n'))&&((*argv)[2]==0)) { argc--; argv++; } } else if ((p=strstr(*argv,".c"))&&(p[2]==0)) { fprintf(fout,"#include \"%s\"\n",*argv); } else { strcpy(dir,*argv); if ((p=strrchr(dir,'/'))!= NULL) { *(p+1)=0; } else {*dir=0;} if (printfile(fout,*argv,dir,flags)) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: cannot open file %s\n",*argv); } } argc--; argv++; } if ( array_instead_of_string ) { fprintf(fout, "static char *%s[] = {\n", script_name); for (i = 0; (unsigned int)i < num_lines;) fprintf(fout, "%s_line%d,\n", script_name, ++i); } if (script_name[0]) { fprintf(fout, "(char *) NULL\n};\n\n"); } /* end of scripts, finally the functions main() and tclAppInit() */ if (flags) { fprintf(fout, part5, script_name); fprintf(fout, part5a, script_name); fprintf(fout, part5b); fprintf(fout, part5c); if (flags==65537) { fprintf(fout, partwebpage); } fprintf(fout,callinit,table[0].package); for (i=1,c=2;i<(sizeof(table)/sizeof(tableitem));i++,c<<=1) { if (flags & c) { fprintf(fout,callinit,table[i].package); fprintf(fout,packageproto,table[i].package,table[i].package,table[i].package); } } p=filename?filename:"app"; if ((q=strrchr(p,'/')) != NULL) p=q+1; if ((q=strchr(p,'.')) != NULL) *q=0; if (!*p) p="app"; fprintf(fout, part6,script_name,script_name,p,p); if (flags & 2) { fprintf(fout, part6a); } fprintf(fout, part6b); fprintf(fout, part6c); fprintf(fout, part6d); fprintf(fout, part6e); } /* close output-file, if not stdout */ if (fout!=stdout) { fclose(fout); } if (max_buffer>MAX_STRING_LEN) { fprintf(stderr,"warning: largest sting in output file is %d bytes\n\ many compilers can only handle %d characters in a string\n\ first line: %s\n",max_buffer,MAX_STRING_LEN,max_buffer_content); } exit(0); return 0; } 500 Internal Server Error

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator at root@localhost to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.