File:  [LON-CAPA] / rat /
Revision 1.23: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Thu Aug 9 16:30:17 2001 UTC (22 years, 9 months ago) by www
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
Re-Enabled CAT

    1: # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
    2: # Page Handler
    3: #
    4: # (TeX Content Handler
    5: #
    6: # 05/29/00,05/30 Gerd Kortemeyer)
    7: # 08/30,08/31,09/06,09/14,09/15,09/16,09/19,09/20,09/21,09/23,
    8: # 10/02,10/10,10/14,10/16,10/18,10/19,10/31,11/6,11/14,11/16 Gerd Kortemeyer
   10: package Apache::lonpage;
   12: use strict;
   13: use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http);
   14: use Apache::lonnet();
   15: use Apache::lonxml();
   16: use HTML::TokeParser;
   17: use GDBM_File;
   19: # -------------------------------------------------------------- Module Globals
   20: my %hash;
   21: my @rows;
   23: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Euclid gcd
   25: sub euclid {
   26:     my ($e,$f)=@_;
   27:     my $a; my $b; my $r;
   28:     if ($e>$f) { $b=$e; $r=$f; } else { $r=$e; $b=$f; }
   29:     while ($r!=0) {
   30: 	$a=$b; $b=$r;
   31:         $r=$a%$b;
   32:     }
   33:     return $b;
   34: }
   36: # ------------------------------------------------------------ Build page table
   38: sub tracetable {
   39:     my ($sofar,$rid,$beenhere)=@_;
   40:     my $further=$sofar;
   41:     unless ($beenhere=~/\&$rid\&/) {
   42:        $beenhere.=$rid.'&';  
   44:        if (defined($hash{'is_map_'.$rid})) {
   45:            if ((defined($hash{'map_start_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}})) &&
   46:                (defined($hash{'map_finish_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}}))) {
   47:               my $frid=$hash{'map_finish_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}};
   48: 	      $sofar=
   49:                 &tracetable($sofar,$hash{'map_start_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}},
   50:                 '&'.$frid.'&');
   51:               $sofar++;
   52:               if ($hash{'src_'.$frid}) {
   53:                my $brepriv=&Apache::lonnet::allowed('bre',$hash{'src_'.$frid});
   54:                if (($brepriv eq '2') || ($brepriv eq 'F')) {
   55:                  if (defined($rows[$sofar])) {
   56:                    $rows[$sofar].='&'.$frid;
   57:                  } else {
   58:                    $rows[$sofar]=$frid;
   59:                  }
   60: 	       }
   61: 	      }
   62: 	   }
   63:        } else {
   64:           $sofar++;
   65:           if ($hash{'src_'.$rid}) {
   66:            my $brepriv=&Apache::lonnet::allowed('bre',$hash{'src_'.$rid});
   67:            if (($brepriv eq '2') || ($brepriv eq 'F')) {
   68:              if (defined($rows[$sofar])) {
   69:                $rows[$sofar].='&'.$rid;
   70:              } else {
   71:                $rows[$sofar]=$rid;
   72:              }
   73: 	   }
   74:           }
   75:        }
   77:        if (defined($hash{'to_'.$rid})) {
   78: 	  my $mincond=1;
   79:           my $next='';
   80:           map {
   81:               my $thiscond=
   82:       &Apache::lonnet::directcondval($hash{'condid_'.$hash{'undercond_'.$_}});
   83:               if ($thiscond>=$mincond) {
   84: 		  if ($next) {
   85: 		      $next.=','.$_.':'.$thiscond;
   86:                   } else {
   87:                       $next=$_.':'.$thiscond;
   88: 		  }
   89:                   if ($thiscond>$mincond) { $mincond=$thiscond; }
   90: 	      }
   91:           } split(/\,/,$hash{'to_'.$rid});
   92:           map {
   93:               my ($linkid,$condval)=split(/\:/,$_);
   94:               if ($condval>=$mincond) {
   95:                 my $now=&tracetable($sofar,$hash{'goesto_'.$linkid},$beenhere);
   96:                 if ($now>$further) { $further=$now; }
   97: 	      }
   98:           } split(/\,/,$next);
  100:        }
  101:     }
  102:     return $further;
  103: }
  105: # ================================================================ Main Handler
  107: sub handler {
  108:   my $r=shift;
  110: # ------------------------------------------- Set document type for header only
  112:   if ($r->header_only) {
  113:        if ($ENV{'browser.mathml'}) {
  114:            $r->content_type('text/xml');
  115:        } else {
  116:            $r->content_type('text/html');
  117:        }
  118:        $r->send_http_header;
  119:        return OK;
  120:    }
  122:   my $requrl=$r->uri;
  123: # ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tie db file
  124:   if ($ENV{'request.course.fn'}) {
  125:       my $fn=$ENV{'request.course.fn'};
  126:       if (-e "$fn.db") {
  127:           if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$fn.db",&GDBM_READER,0640)) {
  128: # ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hash tied
  129:               my $firstres=$hash{'map_start_'.$requrl};
  130:               my $lastres=$hash{'map_finish_'.$requrl};
  131:               if (($firstres) && ($lastres)) {
  132: # ----------------------------------------------------------------- Render page
  134:                   @rows=();
  136:                   &tracetable(0,$firstres,'&'.$lastres.'&');
  137:                   if ($hash{'src_'.$lastres}) {
  138:                      my $brepriv=
  139:                         &Apache::lonnet::allowed('bre',$hash{'src_'.$lastres});
  140:                      if (($brepriv eq '2') || ($brepriv eq 'F')) {
  141:                         $rows[$#rows+1]=''.$lastres;
  142: 		     }
  143: 		  }
  145: # ------------------------------------------------------------ Add to symb list
  147:                   my $i;
  148:                   my %symbhash=();
  149:                   for ($i=0;$i<=$#rows;$i++) {
  150: 		     if ($rows[$i]) {
  151:                         my @colcont=split(/\&/,$rows[$i]);
  152:                         map {
  153:                            $symbhash{$hash{'src_'.$_}}='';
  154: 		        } @colcont;
  155: 		     }
  156: 		  }
  157:                   &Apache::lonnet::symblist($requrl,%symbhash);
  159: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Page parms
  161:                   my $j;
  162:                   my $lcm=1;
  163:                   my $contents=0;
  164:                   my $nforms=0;
  166:                   my %ssibody=();
  167:                   my %ssibgcolor=();
  168:                   my %ssitext=();
  169:                   my %ssilink=();
  170:                   my %ssivlink=();
  171:                   my %ssialink=();
  173:                   my %metalink=();
  175:                   my %cellemb=();
  177:                   my $allscript='';
  178:                   my $allmeta='';
  180:                   my $isxml=0;
  181:                   my $xmlheader='';
  182:                   my $xmlbody='';
  184: # --------------------------------------------- Get SSI output, post parameters
  186:                   for ($i=0;$i<=$#rows;$i++) {
  187: 		     if ($rows[$i]) {
  188: 		      $contents++;
  189:                       my @colcont=split(/\&/,$rows[$i]);
  190:                       $lcm*=($#colcont+1)/euclid($lcm,($#colcont+1));
  191:                       map {
  192:                           my $src=$hash{'src_'.$_};
  193:                           $src=~/\.(\w+)$/;
  194:                           $metalink{$_}=$src.'.meta';
  195:                           $cellemb{$_}=Apache::lonnet::fileembstyle($1);
  196:                           if ($cellemb{$_} eq 'ssi') {
  197: # --------------------------------------------------------- This is an SSI cell
  198: 			      my $prefix=$_.'_';
  199:                               my %posthash=('request.prefix' => $prefix);
  200:                               if (($ENV{'form.'.$prefix.'submit'}) 
  201:                                || ($ENV{'form.all_submit'})) {
  202:                                map {
  203: 				  if ($_=~/^form.$prefix/) {
  204: 				      my $name=$_;
  205:                                       $name=~s/^form.$prefix//;
  206:                                       $posthash{$name}=$ENV{$_};
  207:                                   }
  208:                                } keys %ENV;
  209: 			      }
  210:                               my $output=Apache::lonnet::ssi($src,%posthash);
  211:                               my $parser=HTML::TokeParser->new(\$output);
  212:                               my $token;
  213:                               my $thisdir=$src;
  214:                               my $bodydef=0;
  215:                               my $thisxml=0;
  216:                               my @rlinks=();
  217:                               if ($output=~/\?xml/) {
  218:                                  $isxml=1;
  219:                                  $thisxml=1;
  220:                                  $output=~
  221:          /((?:\<(?:\?xml|\!DOC|html)[^\>]*(?:\>|\>\]\>)\s*)+)\<body[^\>]*\>/si;
  222:                                  $xmlheader=$1;
  223: 			      }
  224:                               while ($token=$parser->get_token) {
  225: 				if ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
  226:                                   if ($token->[1] eq 'a') {
  227: 				      if ($token->[2]->{'href'}) {
  228:                                          $rlinks[$#rlinks+1]=
  229: 					     $token->[2]->{'href'};
  230: 				      }
  231: 				  } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'img') {
  232:                                          $rlinks[$#rlinks+1]=
  233: 					     $token->[2]->{'src'};
  234: 				  } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'embed') {
  235:                                          $rlinks[$#rlinks+1]=
  236: 					     $token->[2]->{'src'};
  237: 				  } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'base') {
  238: 				      $thisdir=$token->[2]->{'href'};
  239: 				  } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'body') {
  240: 				      $bodydef=1;
  241:                                       $ssibgcolor{$_}=$token->[2]->{'bgcolor'};
  242:                                       $ssitext{$_}=$token->[2]->{'text'};
  243:                                       $ssilink{$_}=$token->[2]->{'link'};
  244:                                       $ssivlink{$_}=$token->[2]->{'vlink'};
  245:                                       $ssialink{$_}=$token->[2]->{'alink'};
  246:                                       if ($thisxml) {
  247: 					  $xmlbody=$token->[4];
  248:                                       }
  249:                                   } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'meta') {
  250: 				      $allmeta.="\n".$token->[4].'</meta>';
  251:                                   } elsif (($token->[1] eq 'script') &&
  252:                                            ($bodydef==0)) {
  253: 				      $allscript.="\n\n"
  254:                                                 .$parser->get_text('/script');
  255:                                   }
  256: 			        }
  257: 			      }
  258:                               if ($output=~/\<body[^\>]*\>(.*)/si) {
  259:                                  $output=$1; 
  260:                               }
  261:                               $output=~s/\<\/body\>.*//si;
  262:                               if ($output=~/\<form/si) {
  263: 				  $nforms++;
  264:                                   $output=~s/\<form[^\>]*\>//gsi;
  265:                                   $output=~s/\<\/form[^\>]*\>//gsi;
  266:                                   $output=~
  267: 				      s/\<((?:input|select|button|textarea)[^\>]+)name\s*\=\s*[\'\"]*([\w\.\:]+)[\'\"]*([^\>]*)\>/\<$1 name="$prefix$2" $3\>/gsi;
  268:                               }
  269:                               $thisdir=~s/\/[^\/]*$//;
  270: 			      map {
  271: 				  unless (($_=~/^http:\/\//i) ||
  272:                                           ($_=~/^\//)) {
  273: 				      my $newlocation=
  274: 				    &Apache::lonnet::hreflocation($thisdir,$_);
  275:                      $output=~s/(\"|\'|\=\s*)$_(\"|\'|\s|\>)/$1$newlocation$2/;
  276: 				  }
  277: 			      } @rlinks;
  278:                      $output=~s/\<\s*applet/\<applet codebase=\"$thisdir\" /gi;
  279: 			      $ssibody{$_}=$output;
  280: # ---------------------------------------------------------------- End SSI cell
  281:                           }
  282:                       } @colcont;
  283:                      } 
  284:                   }
  285:                   unless ($contents) {
  286:                       $r->content_type('text/html');
  287:                       $r->send_http_header;
  288:                       $r->print('<html><body>Empty page.</body></html>');
  289:                   } else {
  290: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Build page
  292: # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Send headers
  293:                       if ($isxml) {
  294: 			  $r->content_type('text/xml');
  295:                           $r->send_http_header;
  296:                           $r->print($xmlheader);
  297: 		      } else {
  298:                           $r->content_type('text/html');
  299:                           $r->send_http_header;
  300:                           $r->print('<html>');
  301: 		      }
  302: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Head
  303:                       $r->print("\n<head>\n".$allmeta);
  304:                       $allscript=~
  305:        s/\/\/ BEGIN LON\-CAPA Internal.+\/\/ END LON\-CAPA Internal\s//gs;
  306:                       if ($allscript) {
  307: 			  $r->print("\n<script language='JavaScript'>\n".
  308:                                    $allscript."\n</script>\n");
  309:                       }
  310:                       $r->print(&Apache::lonxml::registerurl);
  311:                       $r->print("\n</head>\n");
  312: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Start body
  313:                       if ($isxml) {
  314:                           $r->print($xmlbody);
  315:                       } else {
  316: 			  $r->print(
  317:  '<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onLoad="'.&Apache::lonxml::loadevents.
  318:                      '" onUnload="'.&Apache::lonxml::unloadevents.'">');
  319:                       }
  320: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Start form
  321:                       if ($nforms) {
  322: 			  $r->print('<form method="post" action="'.
  323: 				    $requrl.'">');
  324:                       }
  325: # ----------------------------------------------------------------- Start table
  326:                       $r->print('<table cols="'.$lcm.'" border="0">');
  327:                       for ($i=0;$i<=$#rows;$i++) {
  328: 			if ($rows[$i]) {
  329:                           $r->print("\n<tr>");
  330:                           my @colcont=split(/\&/,$rows[$i]);
  331:                           my $avespan=$lcm/($#colcont+1);
  332:                           for ($j=0;$j<=$#colcont;$j++) {
  333:                               my $rid=$colcont[$j];
  334:                               my $metainfo='<a href="'.
  335:                                     $metalink{$rid}.'" target="LONcatInfo">'.
  336:                           '<img src="/adm/lonMisc/cat_button.gif" border=0>'.
  337: 			  '</img></a><br></br>';
  338:                               $r->print('<td colspan="'.$avespan.'"');
  339:                               if ($cellemb{$rid} eq 'ssi') {
  340: 				  if ($ssibgcolor{$rid}) {
  341:                                      $r->print(' bgcolor="'.
  342:                                                $ssibgcolor{$rid}.'"');
  343:                                   }
  344:                                   $r->print('>'.$metainfo.'<font');
  345:                                   if ($ssitext{$rid}) {
  346: 				     $r->print(' text="'.$ssitext{$rid}.'"');
  347:                                   }
  348:                                   if ($ssilink{$rid}) {
  349: 				     $r->print(' link="'.$ssilink{$rid}.'"');
  350:                                   }
  351:                                   if ($ssitext{$rid}) {
  352: 				     $r->print(' vlink="'.$ssivlink{$rid}.'"');
  353:                                   }
  354:                                   if ($ssialink{$rid}) {
  355: 				     $r->print(' alink="'.$ssialink{$rid}.'"');
  356:                                   }
  358:                                   $r->print('>'.$ssibody{$rid}.'</font>');
  359:                               } elsif ($cellemb{$rid} eq 'img') {
  360:                                   $r->print('>'.$metainfo.'<img src="'.
  361:                                     $hash{'src_'.$rid}.'"></img>');
  362: 			      } elsif ($cellemb{$rid} eq 'emb') {
  363:                                   $r->print('>'.$metainfo.'<embed src="'.
  364:                                     $hash{'src_'.$rid}.'"></embed>');
  365:                               }
  366:                               $r->print('</td>');
  367:                           }
  368:                           $r->print('</tr>');
  369: 		        }
  370:                       }
  371:                       $r->print("\n</table>");
  372: # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Submit, etc.
  373:                       if ($nforms) {
  374:                           $r->print(
  375: 	                  '<input name="all_submit" value="Submit All" type="'.
  376: 			  (($nforms>1)?'submit':'hidden').'"></input></form>');
  377:                       }
  378:                       $r->print('</body></html>');
  379: # -------------------------------------------------------------------- End page
  380:                   }                  
  381: # ------------------------------------------------------------- End render page
  382:               } else {
  383:                   $r->content_type('text/html');
  384:                   $r->send_http_header;
  385: 		  $r->print('<html><body>Page undefined.</body></html>');
  386:               }
  387: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Untie hash
  388:               unless (untie(%hash)) {
  389:                    &Apache::lonnet::logthis("<font color=blue>WARNING: ".
  390:                        "Could not untie coursemap $fn (browse).</font>"); 
  391:               }
  392: # -------------------------------------------------------------------- All done
  393: 	      return OK;
  394: # ----------------------------------------------- Errors, hash could no be tied
  395:           }
  396:       } 
  397:   }
  398:   $ENV{'user.error.msg'}="$requrl:bre:0:0:Course not initialized";
  399:   return HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE; 
  400: }
  402: 1;
  403: __END__

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500 Internal Server Error

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

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