# perl script # a quick and dirty xml reading and substitution # --------------------------------------- slurp in information unless (scalar(@ARGV)==2) { die("invalid invocation of doc_template.pl"); } my $template=shift @ARGV; my $data=shift @ARGV; my @lines; open IN,"<$data" or die("no file $data"); @lines=; close IN; $d=join('',@lines); open IN,"<$template" or die("no file $data"); @lines=; close IN; $t=join('',@lines); # ------- read in values from data $d=~/\(.*?)\<\/title.*?\>/s; my $title=$1; $t=~s/\/$title/g; $d=~/\$(.*?)\$/; my $e=$1; $e=~s/\S*\s\S*\s+\S*$/ created by Scott Harrison/; my $cvsdate="<i>CVS: $e</i>"; $t=~s/\<DATE \/\>/$cvsdate/g; $d=~/\<\!\-\- pdfahref (.*?) \-\-\>/; my $pdfahref="<a href='$1'>"; $t=~s/\<PDFAHREF \/\>/$pdfahref/g; my %bhash=( 'CONFIGURE' => '/docs/reconfig/index.html', 'INSTALL' => '/docs/install/index.html', 'UPGRADE' => '/docs/upgrade/index.html', 'FAQ' => '/docs/faq/index.html', 'DOWNLOADS' => '/docs/downloads/index.html', 'CONTACT' => '/docs/contact/index.html', 'MAIN-SITE' => 'http://install.lon-capa.org', 'LICENSE' => '/docs/license/index.html', ); $d=~/\<\!\-\- button (.*?) \-\-\>/; my $buttonv=$1; while (1) { if ($t=~/\<BUTTON NAME=\'(.*?)\' \/\>/) { my $bname=$1; my $button; my $bh=$bhash{$bname}; if ($buttonv eq $bname) { $button=<<END; <table cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' border='3'><tr><td> <a href='$bh'> <font face='helvetica'> <font color='#009900'> $bname </font> </font> </a> </td></tr></table> END } else { $button=<<END; <table cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' border='1'><tr><td> <a href='$bh'> <strong><font face='helvetica'> <font color='#009900'>$bname</font> </font></strong></a> </td></tr></table> END } $t=~s/\<BUTTON NAME=\'$bname\' \/\>/$button/g; } else { last; } } $d=~/\<\!\-\- preamble start \-\-\>(.*?)\<\!\-\- preamble end \-\-\>/s; my $preamble=$1; $t=~s/\<PREAMBLE \/\>/$preamble/g; $d=~/\<\!\-\- maintext start \-\-\>(.*?)\<\!\-\- maintext end \-\-\>/s; my $maintext=$1; $t=~s/\<MAINTEXT \/\>/$maintext/g; print $t;