LON-CAPA Installation

Current Installation Procedure

This is the current list of steps to support LON-CAPA installation. These steps have been tested (almost, I'm going to do this today).

  1. Get Redhat 6.2 on a CD by
  2. Install RedHat 6.2
  3. After installation, install extra RPMs/upgrades by downloading all files from http://www.lon-capa.org/install/3.1/SupplementalRPMS.
  4. Remove extra RPMs by downloading and running the script http://www.lon-capa.org/install/3.1/scripts/remove_extra.sh as root.
  5. Configure needed files.

Future Installation Procedure (not yet implemented)

In the future, LON-CAPA Installation will be distributed on a CD complete with a customized interface. Many elements for doing this have been coded, and are in place, but it awaits completion.