#Copyright 2000 by Guy Albertelli proc runGroupEmail { capaConfigFile } { global gUniqueNumber gFile gWindowMenu gCT set num [incr gUniqueNumber] set gFile($num) [file dirname $capaConfigFile] parseCapaConfig $num $gFile($num) parseCapaUtilsConfig $num $gFile($num) set emailwin [toplevel .email$num] $gWindowMenu add command -label "Sending Email $gFile($num)" \ -command "capaRaise \"$emailwin\"" wm title $emailwin [file dirname $capaConfigFile] set fileFrame [frame $emailwin.file] set sentFrame [frame $emailwin.sent] set buttonFrame [frame $emailwin.button] pack $fileFrame $sentFrame $buttonFrame -side top -anchor w label $fileFrame.label -text "Mail Template:" entry $fileFrame.file -textvariable gCT($num.template) button $fileFrame.select -text "Browse" \ -command "set gCT($num.template) \[tk_getOpenFile\]" pack $fileFrame.label $fileFrame.file $fileFrame.select -side left label $sentFrame.text -text "Send To:" set classFrame [frame $sentFrame.class] set sectionFrame [frame $sentFrame.section] set studentFrame [frame $sentFrame.student] #unpacked set scriptFrame [frame $sentFrame.script] pack $sentFrame.text $classFrame $sectionFrame $studentFrame -side top -anchor w #class radiobutton $classFrame.class -text "Whole Class" \ -variable gCT($num.emailtype) -value "Class" pack $classFrame.class #sections set gCT($num.emailsections) "None" set top [frame $sectionFrame.top] set bottom [frame $sectionFrame.bottom] pack $top $bottom -side top -anchor w radiobutton $top.button -text "Sections" \ -variable gCT($num.emailtype) -value "Sections" button $top.select -text "Select Section" -command "emailSelectSections $num" message $bottom.sections -textvariable gCT($num.emailsections) \ -relief groove -width 350 frame $bottom.spacer -width 20 pack $top.button $top.select -side left -anchor w pack $bottom.spacer $bottom.sections -anchor w -side left #student radiobutton $studentFrame.specific -text "Students from file:" \ -value "Specific" -variable gCT($num.emailtype) entry $studentFrame.file -textvariable gCT($num.studentlist) button $studentFrame.select -text "Browse" \ -command "set gCT($num.studentlist) \[tk_getOpenFile\]" pack $studentFrame.specific $studentFrame.file $studentFrame.select -side left #script radiobutton $scriptFrame.label -text "Script Selection:" -value "Script" \ -variable gCT($num.emailtype) entry $scriptFrame.file -textvariable gCT($num.emailscript) button $scriptFrame.select -text "Browse" \ -command "set gCT($num.emailscript) \[tk_getOpenFile\]" pack $scriptFrame.label $scriptFrame.file $scriptFrame.select -side left button $buttonFrame.send -text "Send" -command "emailSend $num" frame $buttonFrame.spacer -width 100 button $buttonFrame.cancel -text "Close" -command "emailClose $num" pack $buttonFrame.send $buttonFrame.spacer $buttonFrame.cancel -side left Centre_Dialog $emailwin default } proc emailClose { num } { global gFile destroy .email$num removeWindowEntry "Sending Email $gFile($num)" } proc emailSelectSections { num } { global gCT gFile set pwd [pwd]; cd $gFile($num) set gCT($num.emailsections) [string trim [pickSections [getExistingSections] "Select Sections to send an email to:"]] cd $pwd if { $gCT($num.emailsections) != "" } { set gCT($num.emailtype) Sections } else { set gCT($num.emailsections) "None" } } proc emailSend { num } { global gCT gFile if { [catch {set fileId [open $gCT($num.template) r]}]} { displayMessage "Unable to open $gCT($num.template)" return } set gCT($num.message) [read $fileId [file size $gCT($num.template)]] close $fileId if { "Cancel" == [emailConfirm $num]} { return } emailGetStudents $num set max [llength $gCT($num.studentlist)] set i 0 displayStatus "Sending Messages" both $num foreach student $gCT($num.studentlist) { incr i # foreach {email firstname lastname stunum} $student {break} set subject "" set message [emailMessage $num $student subject] emailSendMessage $num $student $message $subject updateStatusBar [expr $i/double($max)] $num } removeStatus $num } proc emailConfirm { num } { global gCT set msg "The message in $gCT($num.template) will be sent to" switch $gCT($num.emailtype) { Class { append msg " the whole class." } Sections { append msg " the sections $gCT($num.emailsections)." } Specific { append msg " to the student numbers in $gCT($num.studentlist)." } Script { append msg " to the students generated by the script $gCT($num.emailscript)." } } append msg "\n\n Continue?" if { "Yes" == [makeSure $msg]} { return "Yes" } return "Cancel" } proc emailGetStudents { num } { global gCT gFile switch $gCT($num.emailtype) { Class { emailGetClass $num } Sections { emailGetSections $num } Specific { emailGetSpecific $num } Script { } } } proc emailGetClass { num } { global gCT gFile set classlid [open [file join $gFile($num) classl] r] set aline [gets $classlid] while { ![eof $classlid] } { set email [string trim [string range $aline 60 99]] set firstname [string trim [lindex [lindex [split [string range $aline 24 59] ","] 1] 0]] set lastname [string trim [lindex [split [string range $aline 24 59] ","] 0]] set stunum [string trim [string range $aline 14 22]] lappend gCT($num.studentlist) [list $email $firstname $lastname $stunum] set aline [gets $classlid] } } proc emailGetSections { num } { global gCT gFile set classlid [open [file join $gFile($num) classl] r] set aline [gets $classlid] while { ![eof $classlid] } { set section [string trimleft [string trim [string range $aline 10 12]] "0"] if { [lsearch $gCT($num.emailsections) $section] == -1 } { set aline [gets $classlid] continue } set email [string trim [string range $aline 60 99]] set firstname [string trim [lindex [lindex [split [string range $aline 24 59] ","] 1] 0]] set lastname [string trim [lindex [split [string range $aline 24 59] ","] 0]] set stunum [string trim [string range $aline 14 22]] set section [string trimleft [string trim [string range $aline 10 12] ] 0] lappend gCT($num.studentlist) [list $email $firstname $lastname $stunum $section] set aline [gets $classlid] } } proc emailGetSpecific { num } { global gCT gFile set fileId [open $gCT($num.studentlist)] set temp [split [read $fileId] "\n"] set allids "" foreach element $temp { if { $element != "" } { lappend allids $element } } close $fileId puts $allids set classlid [open [file join $gFile($num) classl] r] set aline [gets $classlid] while { ![eof $classlid] } { set stunum [string trim [string range $aline 14 22]] if { [lsearch $allids $stunum] !=-1 } { set section [string trimleft [string trim [string range $aline 10 12]] "0"] set email [string trim [string range $aline 60 99]] set firstname [string trim [lindex [lindex [split [string range $aline 24 59] ","] 1] 0]] set lastname [string trim [lindex [split [string range $aline 24 59] ","] 0]] set section [string trimleft [string trim [string range $aline 10 12] ] 0] lappend gCT($num.studentlist) [list $email $firstname $lastname $stunum $section] } set aline [gets $classlid] } } proc emailMessage { num student subjectVar } { global gCT gFile gCapaConfig upvar $subjectVar subject set message $gCT($num.message) regsub -all -- \\\$email $message [lindex $student 0] message regsub -all -- \\\$first_name $message [lindex $student 1] message regsub -all -- \\\$last_name $message [lindex $student 2] message regsub -all -- \\\$student_number $message [lindex $student 3] message set stunum [lindex $student 3] set section [lindex $student 4] while { [regexp {\$capaid\(([0-9all\.,]*)\)} $message match set] } { set capaid [getCapaID $set $stunum $section $gFile($num)] regsub -all -- \\\$capaid\\\($set\\\) $message $capaid message } while { [regexp {\$homework_score\(([0-9all\.,]*)\)} $message match set] } { if { [catch {set setmax [set max $gCapaConfig($num.homework_count)]}]} { set max 99;set setmax 99 } set scores [getScores $set $stunum $section $gFile($num) $max setmax] regsub -all -- \\\$homework_score\\\($set\\\) $message $scores message if { $set == "all" } { set all(homework.score) $scores set all(setmax.homework.score) $setmax } } while { [regexp {\$homework_total\(([0-9all\.,]*)\)} $message match set] } { if { [catch {set setmax [set max $gCapaConfig($num.homework_count)]}]} { set max 99;set setmax 99 } set scores [getTotals $set $stunum $section $gFile($num) $max setmax] regsub -all -- \\\$homework_total\\\($set\\\) $message $scores message if { $set == "all" } { set all(homework.total) $scores set all(setmax.homework.total) $setmax } } foreach {path limit} {quiz quiz_count supp none others none correction \ final_exam_set_number exam final_exam_set_number} { if {[catch {set gCapaConfig($num.[set path]_path)}]} { continue } else { if { ![file exists $gCapaConfig($num.[set path]_path)] } { continue } } if { [catch {set setmax [set max $gCapaConfig($num.$limit)]}]} { set max 99 ; set setmax 99 } foreach {type call} {score getScores total getTotals} { set exp {\$};append exp $path;append exp _$type append exp {\(([0-9all\.,]*)\)} while { [regexp $exp $message match set]} { set scores [$call $set $stunum $section \ $gCapaConfig($num.[set path]_path) $max setmax] set replacexp {\$};append replacexp $path;append replacexp _$type append replacexp {\(};append replacexp $set;append replacexp {\)} regsub -all -- $replacexp $message $scores message if { $set == "all" } { set all($path.$type) $scores set all(setmax.$path.$type) $setmax } } } } if { [regexp {\$grade} $message match] } { #homework foreach {type func} {score getScores total getTotals} { if { [catch {set all(homework.$type)}]} { if { [catch {set setmax [set max $gCapaConfig($num.homework_count)]}]} { set max 99;set setmax 99 } set all(homework.$type) [$func "all" $stunum $section $gFile($num) \ $max setmax] # set all(setmax.homework.$type) $setmax } } #quizzes foreach {type func} {score getScores total getTotals} { if { [catch {set all(quiz.$type)}]} { if { [catch {set setmax [set max $gCapaConfig($num.quiz_count)]}]} { set max 99;set setmax 99 } set all(quiz.$type) [$func "all" $stunum $section \ $gCapaConfig($num.quiz_path) $max setmax] # set all(setmax.quiz.$type) $setmax } } #exams and final if { [catch {set setmax [set max $gCapaConfig($num.final_exam_set_number)]}]} { set max 99;set setmax 99 } set finalset $setmax set lastexam [expr $finalset - 1] set totalexam 0 for { set i 1 } { $i <= $lastexam } { incr i } { set exams [getScores $i $stunum $section $gCapaConfig($num.exam_path)] set examt [getTotals $i $stunum $section $gCapaConfig($num.exam_path)] set corrs [getScores $i $stunum $section $gCapaConfig($num.exam_path)] set corrt [getTotals $i $stunum $section $gCapaConfig($num.exam_path)] if { [catch {set exam [expr $exams/double($examt)]}] } { set exam 0 } if { [catch {set corr [expr $corrs/double($corrt)]}] } { set corr 0 } if { $corr > $exam } { set totalexam [expr $totalexam + \ [expr $exam + $gCapaConfig($num.correction_weight) \ * ($corr - $exam)]] } else { set totalexam [expr $totalexam + $exam] } } if { [catch {set totalexam [expr $totalexam / ($i-1)]}] } { set totalexam 0 } set finals [getScores $finalset $stunum $section $gCapaConfig($num.exam_path)] set finalt [getTotals $finalset $stunum $section $gCapaConfig($num.exam_path)] if { [catch {set final [expr $finals/double($finalt)]}]} {set final 0} if { [catch {set homework [expr $all(homework.score)/double($all(homework.total))]}] } { set homework 0 } if { [catch {set quiz [expr $all(quiz.score)/double($all(quiz.total))]}] } { set quiz 0 } set grade [expr $gCapaConfig($num.homework_weight)*$homework +\ $gCapaConfig($num.quiz_weight)*$quiz +\ $gCapaConfig($num.exam_weight)*$totalexam +\ $gCapaConfig($num.final_weight)*$final] set grade [format "%2.1f" [expr $grade * 100 ]] regsub -all -- \\\$grade $message $grade message } regexp "^Subject:(\[^\n]*)" $message garbage subject regsub "^Subject:(\[^\n]*)" $message {} message return $message } proc emailSendMessage { num student message subject } { global gCT gCapaConfig exec echo $message | $gCapaConfig($num.mail_command) -s $subject [lindex $student 0] }