#!/usr/local/bin/perl # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Some routines to facilitate creation of # vt100 pseudo-menu driven interface # # Works under xterm, shelltool, but not commandtool. # # by Isaac Tsai # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub C_ClearScreen { print "\e[;H\e[2J"; } sub C_EraseLine { print "\e[K"; } sub C_MoveTo { local($y,$x)=@_; print "\e[$y;$x"; print "H"; } sub C_MakeBox { local($y1,$x1,$y2,$x2,$title)=@_; local($wd)=$x2-$x1; local($j,$tlen); if(x2 >= 0 && x2 <= 80) { C_MoveTo($y1,$x1); print "+"; print "-" x ($wd-1); print "+"; if( $title ne "" ) { $tlen = length($title); $j = int($x1+($wd - $tlen)/2); C_MoveTo($y1,$j); print $title; } for ($j=$y1+1;$j<$y2;$j++) { C_MoveTo($j,$x1); print "|"; print " " x ($wd-1) ; print "|"; } C_MoveTo($y2,$x1); print "+"; print "-" x ($wd-1); print "+"; } } # the coordnate of the upper left corner (y, x) # the width of the box # one line message appear on a separate top box # one line title on top of the choice box # choice list sub C_MultipleChoice { local($y1,$x1,$wd,$msg,$title,@items)=@_; local($item_cnt)=$#items; local($j,$off_y,$idx,$u_in,$done,$msg_out); $idx="1"; $off_y = 0; C_ClearScreen; if( $msg ne "" ) { # C_MakeBox($y1,$x1,$y1+2,$x1+length($msg)+2); C_MakeBox($y1,$x1,$y1+2,$x1+$wd); C_MoveTo($y1+1,$x1+1); print $msg; $off_y = 4; } C_MakeBox($y1+$off_y,$x1,$y1+$off_y+$item_cnt+5,$x1+$wd,$title); for ($j=0;$j<=$item_cnt;$j++) { C_MoveTo($y1+$off_y+$j+2,$x1+2); printf "%2d: %s", $idx,$items[$j]; $idx++; } $off_y = $off_y + 4; $done = 0; while ( $done ne "y" && $done ne "yes" ) { $u_in=0; while ($u_in < 1 || $u_in > $item_cnt+1 || $u_in =~ /\D/ || $u_in == "") { C_MoveTo($y1+$off_y+$item_cnt,$x1+1); &C_EraseLine; C_MoveTo($y1+$off_y+$item_cnt,$x1+1); print "SELECT:" . " " x ($wd-8) . "|"; C_MoveTo($y1+$off_y+$item_cnt,$x1+8); $u_in=<>; chop($u_in); } $msg_out = "Selected item: " . $u_in . " $items[$u_in-1]" . ", (Y , or N)? "; $j = length($msg_out); C_MoveTo($y1+$off_y+$item_cnt+2,$x1); &C_EraseLine; C_MoveTo($y1+$off_y+$item_cnt+2,$x1); print $msg_out; C_MoveTo($y1+$off_y+$item_cnt+2,$x1+$j); $done=<>; chop($done); $done =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if( length($done) == 0 ) { $done = 'y'; }; } return $u_in; } sub C_InputData { local($y,$x,$wd,$title,$limit_len,$prompt,@msgs)=@_; local($line_cnt)=$#msgs; local($done); local($jj,$prom_length); local($input,$in_len,$msgout,$msglen); C_ClearScreen; C_MakeBox($y,$x,$y+$line_cnt+2,$x+$wd,$title); for($jj=0;$jj<=$line_cnt;$jj++) { C_MoveTo($y+$jj+1,$x+1); print " $msgs[$jj]"; } C_MakeBox($y+$line_cnt+4,$x,$y+$line_cnt+6,$x+$wd,""); C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+5,$x+1); print $prompt; $done = 0; $prom_length = length($prompt); while( $done ne "y" && $done ne "yes" ) { $in_len = 0; while(($in_len < 1) || ($in_len > $limit_len) ) { C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+5, $x+length($prompt)+1); &C_EraseLine; C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+5, $x+1); print $prompt . " " x ($wd - $prom_length - 1) . "|"; C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+5, $x+length($prompt)+1); $input = <>; chop($input); $in_len = length($input); } $msgout = "You entered:\'" . $input . "\', Are you sure (Y or N)? "; C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+7,$x); &C_EraseLine; C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+7,$x); print $msgout; $msglen = length($msgout); C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+7,$x+$msglen); $done = <>; chop($done); $done =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; } return $input; } sub C_InputSetNum { local($y,$x,$wd,$title,$limit_len,$prompt,@msgs)=@_; local($line_cnt)=$#msgs; local($done); local($jj,$prom_length); local($input,$in_len,$msgout,$msglen); C_ClearScreen; C_MakeBox($y,$x,$y+$line_cnt+2,$x+$wd,$title); for($jj=0;$jj<=$line_cnt;$jj++) { C_MoveTo($y+$jj+1,$x+1); print " $msgs[$jj]"; } C_MakeBox($y+$line_cnt+4,$x,$y+$line_cnt+6,$x+$wd,""); C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+5,$x+1); print $prompt; $done = 0; $prom_length = length($prompt); while( $done ne "y" && $done ne "yes" ) { $in_len = 0; while(($in_len < 1) || ($in_len > $limit_len) ) { C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+5, $x+length($prompt)+1); &C_EraseLine; C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+5, $x+1); print $prompt . " " x ($wd - $prom_length - 1) . "|"; C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+5, $x+length($prompt)+1); $input = <>; chop($input); $in_len = length($input); } $msgout = "You entered:\'" . $input . "\', Confirm (Y or N)? "; C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+7,$x); &C_EraseLine; C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+7,$x); print $msgout; $msglen = length($msgout); C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+7,$x+$msglen); $done = <>; chop($done); $done =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if(length($done)==0) { $done = 'y'; } } return $input; } sub C_InputStudentID { local($y,$x,$wd,$title,$limit_len,$prompt,@msgs)=@_; local($line_cnt)=$#msgs; local($done); local($jj,$prom_length); local($input,$in_len,$msgout,$msglen,$input_ok); C_ClearScreen; C_MakeBox($y,$x,$y+$line_cnt+2,$x+$wd,$title); for($jj=0;$jj<=$line_cnt;$jj++) { C_MoveTo($y+$jj+1,$x+1); print " $msgs[$jj]"; } C_MakeBox($y+$line_cnt+4,$x,$y+$line_cnt+6,$x+$wd,""); C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+5,$x+1); print $prompt; $done = 0; $prom_length = length($prompt); while( $done ne "y" && $done ne "yes" ) { $in_len = 0; $input_ok = 0; while( ! $input_ok ) { C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+5, $x+length($prompt)+1); &C_EraseLine; C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+5, $x+1); print $prompt . " " x ($wd - $prom_length - 1) . "|"; C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+5, $x+length($prompt)+1); $input = <>; chop($input); $in_len = length($input); if( $in_len <= $limit_len ) { $input_ok = 1; } } if( $in_len == 0 ) { $msgout = "Exit this dialog? Confirm (Y or N)? "; } else { $msgout = "You entered:\'" . $input . "\', Confirm (Y or N)? "; } C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+7,$x); &C_EraseLine; C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+7,$x); print $msgout; $msglen = length($msgout); C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+7,$x+$msglen); $done = <>; chop($done); $done =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if(length($done)==0) { $done = 'y'; } } return $input; } sub C_InputFromToNum { local($y,$x,$wd,$title,$limit_len,$prompt,@msgs)=@_; local($line_cnt)=$#msgs; local($done); local($jj,$prom_length); local($input,$in_len,$msgout,$msglen); C_ClearScreen; C_MakeBox($y,$x,$y+$line_cnt+2,$x+$wd,$title); for($jj=0;$jj<=$line_cnt;$jj++) { C_MoveTo($y+$jj+1,$x+1); print " $msgs[$jj]"; } C_MakeBox($y+$line_cnt+4,$x,$y+$line_cnt+6,$x+$wd,""); C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+5,$x+1); print $prompt; $done = 0; $prom_length = length($prompt); while( $done ne "y" && $done ne "yes" ) { $in_len = 0; while(($in_len < 1) || ($in_len > $limit_len) ) { C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+5, $x+length($prompt)+1); &C_EraseLine; C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+5, $x+1); print $prompt . " " x ($wd - $prom_length - 1) . "|"; C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+5, $x+length($prompt)+1); $input = <>; chop($input); $in_len = length($input); } $msgout = "You entered:\'" . $input . "\', Confirm (Y or N)? "; C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+7,$x); &C_EraseLine; C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+7,$x); print $msgout; $msglen = length($msgout); C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+7,$x+$msglen); $done = <>; chop($done); $done =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if(length($done)==0) { $done = 'y'; } } return ($input); } sub C_Warn { local($y,$x,$wd,$title,@items)=@_; local($item_cnt)=$#items; local($j,$done); $wd = 25 if( $wd < 25 ); $done = 'n'; C_ClearScreen; C_MakeBox($y,$x,$y+$item_cnt+5,$x+$wd,$title); for ($j=0;$j<=$item_cnt;$j++) { C_MoveTo($y+$j+2,$x+1); print " $items[$j]"; } while( $done ne 'y' ) { C_MoveTo($y+$item_cnt+4,$x+$wd-25); print "press Return to continue"; $done = <>; $done = 'y'; } C_ClearScreen; return 1; } sub C_MultilineMsgs { local($y,$x,$wd,$title,$prompt,@msgs)=@_; local($line_cnt)=$#msgs; local($done); local($jj); local($len); C_ClearScreen; $len = length($prompt); C_MakeBox($y,$x,$y+$line_cnt+5,$x+$wd,$title); for($jj=0;$jj<=$line_cnt;$jj++) { C_MoveTo($y+$jj+2,$x+1); print " $msgs[$jj]"; } C_MoveTo($y+$line_cnt+4,$x+$wd-$len-1); print $prompt; $done = <>; C_ClearScreen; } sub C_Pause { local($done); print "Press RETURN to continue"; $done=<>; } 1;