#!/usr/bin/perl -w # include this script in your loginfo as: # /path/to/loginfo.pl sender@domain recipient@domain %{sVv} # # Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 Sascha Schumann # This makes some basic assumptions -- you are only checking # in to a single CVS module. # This also doesn't like files or directories with spaces in them. use strict; use Socket; use POSIX; $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; my $last_file = "/var/cvs/lastdir"; my $summary = "/var/cvs/summary"; my $smtpserver = ""; my $smtpport = 25; my $cvs = "/usr/bin/cvs"; my $cvsroot = $ENV{CVSROOT}."/"; # remove double trailing slash $cvsroot =~ s/\/\/$/\//; my $cvsusers = "/repository/CVSROOT/cvsusers"; # get the id of this process group for use in figuring out # whether this is the last directory with checkins or not my $id = getpgrp(); # the command line looks something like this for a normal commit: # ("user@example.com", "cvsuser", # "module changedfile,1.1,1.2 addedfile,NONE,1.1 removedfile,1.1,NONE") my $mailfrom = shift; my $mailto = $mailfrom; my $envaddr = $mailto; my $cvsuser = shift; my @args = split(" ", $ARGV[0]); my $directory = shift @args; # extract just the module name from the directory my $module = $directory; $module =~ s/\/.+$//; if ($cvsuser eq "changelog" && $module ne "php-gtk") { $envaddr = "php-cvs-daily-private\@lists.php.net"; $mailto = "php-cvs-daily\@lists.php.net"; } # bail when this is a new directory &bail if $args[0] eq '-' && "$args[1] $args[2]" eq 'New directory'; # bail if this is an import &bail if $args[0] eq '-' && $args[1] eq 'Imported'; # find out the last directory being processed open FC, "$last_file.$id" or die "last file does not exist"; my $last_directory = ; chop $last_directory; close FC; # remove the cvsroot from the front $last_directory =~ s/^$cvsroot//; # add our changed files to the summary open(FC, ">>$summary.$id") || die "cannot open summary file"; foreach my $arg (@args) { print FC "$directory/$arg\n"; } close(FC); # is this script already in the last changed directory? # exit if this isn't the last directory &bail if($last_directory ne $directory); # get the log message and tag -- we throw away everything from STDIN # before a line that begins with "Log Message" my ($logmsg,$tag) = &get_log_message(); # now we fork off into the background and generate the email exit 0 if(fork() != 0); $| = 1; #print "Reading summary file\n"; open(FC, "<$summary.$id"); my (@added_files, @removed_files, @modified_files, @modified_files_info); while () { chop; my ($file, $old, $new) = split(","); if($old eq "NONE") { push @added_files, $file; } elsif($new eq "NONE") { push @removed_files, $file; } else { push @modified_files, $file; push @modified_files_info, [ $file, $old, $new ]; } } close FC; #print "Unlinking helper files\n"; # clean up a little bit unlink("$summary.$id"); unlink("$last_file.$id"); #print "Running rdiff\n"; # build a diff (and new files) if necessary my $diffmsg = ''; foreach my $info (@modified_files_info) { my ($file, $old, $new) = @$info; if ($file =~ m|TexConvert/tt.dynamic| || $file =~ m|foxr/londtest| || $file =~ m|purdue| || $file =~ m|vcu/| ) { $diffmsg='Diffs for '.$file.' not shown.'."\n"; next; } open(LOG, "$cvs -Qn rdiff -r $old -r $new -u $file|") || die; while() { s/\r\n/\n/; $diffmsg .= $_; } close(LOG); } # add the added files foreach my $file (@added_files) { next if $file =~ /\.(gif|jpe|jpe?g|pdf|png|exe|class|tgz|tar.gz|jar)$/i or $file !~ /\./; $diffmsg .= "\nIndex: $file\n+++ $file\n"; open(LOG, "$cvs -Qn checkout -p -r1.1 $file |") || die; while() { s/\r\n/\n/; $diffmsg .= $_; } close(LOG); } #print "Building commit email\n"; my $subj_tag = $tag ? "($tag)" : ''; my $body_tag = $tag ? "(Branch: $tag)" : ''; # build our email my $msg = ""; if($#added_files ne -1) { $msg .= "\n Added files: $body_tag"; $msg .= &build_list(@added_files); $body_tag = ''; } if($#removed_files ne -1) { $msg .= "\n Removed files: $body_tag"; $msg .= &build_list(@removed_files); $body_tag = ''; } if($#modified_files ne -1) { $msg .= "\n Modified files: $body_tag"; $msg .= &build_list(@modified_files); $body_tag = ''; } my $subj = ""; my %dirfiles; my @dirs = &get_dirs(@added_files, @removed_files, @modified_files); foreach my $dir (@dirs) { $subj .= "$dir @{ $dirfiles{$dir} } "; } my $msgid = "Message-ID: \n"; my $from; if (open FD, $cvsusers) { while() { chop; if (m/^$cvsuser:(.+?):(.+)$/) { $from = "\"$1\" <$2>"; } } close(FD); } $from ||= "$cvsuser <$mailfrom>"; # "Reply-to: $mailto\n". # "Date: ".localtime()."\n". my (@DAYABBR) = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat); my (@MONABBR) = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec); my (@gmtime) = gmtime(); my $rfc822date = sprintf("Date: %s, %02d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d -0000\n", $DAYABBR[$gmtime[6]], $gmtime[3], $MONABBR[$gmtime[4]], $gmtime[5] + 1900, $gmtime[2], $gmtime[1], $gmtime[0]); no strict; # quiet warnings after here my $email; my $common_header = "". "From: $from\n". "To: $mailto\n". $msgid. $rfc822date. "Subject: cvs: $module$subj_tag $subj\n"; my $common_body = "". "$cvsuser\t\t".localtime()." EDT\n". "$msg". " Log:\n". &indent($logmsg,2)."\n"; my $boundary = $cvsuser.time(); if (length($diffmsg) > 8000) { my $now = POSIX::strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", localtime); $email = $common_header. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n". "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$boundary\"\n". "\n". "This is a MIME encoded message\n\n". "--$boundary\n". "Content-Type: text/plain\n". "\n". $common_body. "--$boundary\n". "Content-Type: text/plain\n". "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$cvsuser-$now.txt\"\n". "\n". "$diffmsg\n". "--$boundary--\n"; } else { $email = $common_header. "\n". $common_body. "$diffmsg\n"; } $email =~ s/\r//g; $email =~ s/\n/\r\n/g; # send our email print "Mailing the commit email to $mailto\n"; #print $email; my $paddr = sockaddr_in($smtpport, inet_aton($smtpserver)); socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) || die "socket failed"; connect(SOCK, $paddr) || die "connect $smtpserver:$smtpport failed"; select(SOCK); $|=1; print "HELO cvsserver\r\n". "MAIL FROM:\r\n" . "RCPT TO:<$envaddr>\r\n" . "DATA\r\n". "$email\r\n". ".\r\n". "QUIT\r\n"; while() { alarm(20); }; close(SOCK); exit 0; sub get_log_message { my ($logmsg, $tag); while () { $logmsg .= $_ if defined $logmsg; if (/^Log Message/) { $logmsg = ""; } if (/^\s+Tag:\s+(\w+)/) { $tag = $1; } } return ($logmsg, $tag); } sub build_list { my(@arr) = @_; my($curdir, $curlen, $msg); $msg = ""; $curdir = ""; foreach (@arr) { /^(.*)\/([^\/]+)$/; my $dir = $1; my $file = $2; if($dir ne $curdir) { $curdir = $dir; $msg .= "\n /$curdir\t"; $curlen = length($curdir) + 5; } if(($curlen + length($file)) > 70) { $msg .= "\n ".sprintf("%-".length($curdir)."s", "")."\t"; $curlen = length($curdir) + 5; } $msg .= $file." "; $curlen += length($file) + 1; } $msg .= "\n"; return $msg; } sub get_dirs { my @files = sort @_; foreach my $file (@files) { (my $dir = $file) =~ s#[^/]+$##; $dir =~ s/^$module//; $dir =~ s/(.+)\//$1/; $file =~ s#^.+/(.+)$#$1#; push @{ $dirfiles{$dir} }, $file; } return sort keys %dirfiles; } sub indent { my ($msg,$nr) = @_; my $s = " " x $nr; $msg =~ s/\n/\n$s/g; return $s.$msg; } sub trim { my ($x) = @_; $x =~ s/^\s+//; $x =~ s/\s+$//; return $x; } # eat STDIN (to avoid parent getting SIGPIPE) and exit with supplied exit code sub bail { my @toss = ; exit @_; } 500 Internal Server Error

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator at root@localhost to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.